Issue details
21/03583/LBC: The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Centre, 10 Littlegate Street, Oxford OX1 1RL
Demolition of C19 addition to 10 Littlegate Street and alterations to and refurbishment of the retained building.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Osney & St Thomas;
Decision due: 19 Jul 2022 by Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee
Reason: Accompanying Listed Building Consent for application 21/03582/FUL
Department: Planning and Regulatory Services
Contact: Gill Butter, Principal Heritage Officer Email:
Agenda items
- 19/07/2022 - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee 21/03583/LBC: The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Centre, 10 Littlegate Street, Oxford OX1 1RL 19/07/2022