Issue details

Issue details

22/00841/FUL: Cotswold House, 110C Banbury Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 6JU

Demolition of existing rear sheds and external rear fire escape.  Erection of two storey rear extension to provide 8 no. additional student rooms and refurbishment of existing property to provide 11 no. additional student rooms.  Replacement of 1 no. window with 1 no. door to side elevation.  Replacement of 1 no. window with 1 no. vent to side elevation.  Replacement of 1 no. window and fire escape door with 1 no. window to rear elevation.  Replacement windows.  Formation of bin and cycle stores to rear.  New accessible landscaping to front and new side access gate.  Provision of accessible car parking to front.  Hard and soft landscaping.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Summertown;

Department: Planning & Regulatory Services

Contact: Tobias Fett, Principal Planning Officer Email:

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