Issue details
22/00409/FUL: Green Templeton College, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6HG
Demolition of squash courts, gardeners shed, existing porter's lodge and existing accommodation building. Construction of three accommodation buildings to house 51 student study bedrooms, associated communal spaces and landscape on the existing tennis courts site. Construction of a new Porter's Lodge and associated office facilities to replace the existing Porter's Lodge and Clock Tower. Construction of a new single storey informal study space to replace the existing glass house. Construction of a new dining hall and associated facilities replacing the existing Doll building. Permanent permission for the currently temporary gym.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: Walton Manor;
Department: Planning & Regulatory Services
Contact: Mike Kemp, Principal Planning Officer Email:
Agenda items
- 23/01/2024 - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee 22/00409/FUL: Green Templeton College, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6HG 23/01/2024