Issue details

Issue details

21/02432/LBC: Meadow Larkins, Larkins Lane, Oxford, OX3 9DW

Refurbishment and extension of existing house to include; partial demolition and reconstruction of existing single storey stable conversion and adjacent remains of cowshed; replacement windows and doors; erection of two storey extension; formation of new boundary wall; alterations to Grade II listed wall including widening the opening. Associated landscaping and provision of bin and cycle stores. Change of use of land described as 'orchard' to be within the residential curtilage.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Headington;

Decision due: 15 Feb 2022 by Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee
Reason: called in by Cllrs Clarkson, Rowley, Fry, Turner, Munkonge, Cook, Altaf-Khan, Wade, Smowton, and Fouweather

Department: Planning and Regulatory Services

Contact: Amy Ridding, Principal Heritage Officer Email:

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