Issue details
21/01185/FUL: Site Of Blocks C F G H J K L And M, Clive Booth Hall, John Garne Way, Oxford, OX3 0FN
Demolition of twelve buildings (including main accommodation Blocks C, F, G, H, J, K, L and M) and erection of twelve buildings to provide student accommodation, with ancillary communal and social facilities and associated administrative building (Class C2). Erection of children's nursery (Class E). Alterations to car parking, installation of cycle parking structures and associated landscaping works, including reorganisation of existing footpaths and cycle ways, drainage features and ancillary development. Installation of a waste compactor unit and alterations to an existing road to enable access. |
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Headington Hill & Northway;
Decision due: 11 Nov 2021 by Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee
Department: Planning and Regulatory Services
Contact: Clare Gray, Principal Planner Email:
Agenda items
- 12/10/2021 - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee 21/01185/FUL: Site Of Blocks C F G H J K L And M, Clive Booth Hall, John Garne Way, Oxford, OX3 0FN 12/10/2021
- 11/11/2021 - Planning Review Committee 21/01185/FUL: Site Of Blocks C F G H J K L And M, Clive Booth Hall, John Garne Way, Oxford, OX3 0FN 11/11/2021