Issue details
20/00821/FUL: Rear of 10 - 28 Marshall Road, Oxford, OX4 2NR
Redevelopment of existing light industrial unit to provide 5 x 2-bed flats, 2 x 3-bed dwellings and 2 x 4-bed dwellings (Use Class C3) provision of private amenity space, car parking and bin and bicycle storage.
Demolition of garage to no. 10 Marshall Road to enable improvements to access from the pubic highway.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Refused
Wards affected: Lye Valley;
Committee level decision
Agenda items
- 02/09/2020 - East Area Planning Committee 20/00821/FUL: Rear of 10 - 28 Marshall Road, Oxford, OX4 2NR 02/09/2020