Issue details
Use of s106 and Retained Right to Buy Receipts to increase the provision of more affordable housing
Cabinet, at its meeting on 22 January 2020, resolved to:
4. Delegate authority to the Director of Housing, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Affordable Housing, the Head of Financial Services / S151 Officer; and the Council’s Monitoring Officer, to enter into agreement for the award of grant, contractual arrangement and/or spend, for the provision of additional affordable housing in perpetuity using Retained Right to Buy Receipts or Recycled Capital Grant Funding;
5. Delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Affordable Housing; the Head of Financial Services/S151 Officer; and the Council’s Monitoring Officer, to enter into agreement for the award of grant, contractual arrangement and/or spend, for the provision of additional affordable housing in perpetuity using s.106 funds; and
6. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Finance and Asset Management, and Affordable Housing, to approve any property or development purchases over £500,000 for affordable housing, within the project approval granted at that meeting.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure, income or savings of £750,000 or greater;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/10/2019
Decision due: 22 Jan 2020 by Cabinet
Decision due: 29 Nov 2022 by Director of Planning and Regulatory Services
Decision due: Before 31 Dec 2030 by Chief Executive
Considered on: 27 Jan 2020 by Council
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities
Lead director:
Department: Housing
Contact: Dave Scholes, Affordable Housing Supply Corporate Lead Email: Tel: 01865 252636.
Reason date could change: Provisional: Decision reliant on another action or process
Is the date subject to change: No
- 03/02/2020 - Use of s106 and Retained Right to Buy Receipts to increase the provision of more affordable housing
- 15/06/2020 - Acquisition of 45 dwellings at Sandford Road, Littlemore, from Abbey Homes.
- 15/09/2020 - Acquisition of 9 dwellings at Glanville Road, Cowley, from Cantay Estates
- 30/11/2022 - Switch of tenure of 2 x 3-bed and 7 x 4-bed houses at Barton Park development, Headington from affordable to social rent
Agenda items