Issue details
18/02645/FUL: 5 Chadlington Road Oxford OX2 6SY
Demolition of existing garage and conservatory.Erection of a two storey side and rear extension and a single storey rear extension. Enlargement of existing front porch, removal of chimneys, removal of 1no. door to north west elevation and replace with 1no window. Alterations to vehicle access into the site. Provision of bin and cycle stores (Amended Plans and Amended Description).
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: St. Margaret's;
Decision due: 20 Feb 2019 by West Area Planning Committee
Reason: Called in
Called in by Cllrs Harris, Gotch, Roz Smith, Gant and Garden
Contact: Tobias Fett, Principal Planning Officer Email:
Agenda items
- 20/02/2019 - West Area Planning Committee 18/02645/FUL: 5 Chadlington Road Oxford OX2 6SY 20/02/2019