Issue details
17/00584/FUL: Cotuit Hall Old House, Pullens Lane, Oxford, OX3 0DA
Demolition of single storey lecture hall and refectory buildings. Change of use from Student Accommodation (Sui Generis) to Residential Institution (Use Class C2). Erection of single storey connecting buildings, along with internal reconfiguration of the retained buildings, and provision of associated car parking and cycle parking spaces, landscaping, plant, and associated works.
Re-advertised weekly list 21/2017
Demolition of single storey lecture hall and refectory buildings. Change of use from Student Accommodation (Sui Generis) to Residential Institution (Use Class C2). Erection of connecting buildings, a new accommodation block at the western end of the site, reconfiguration of the retained buildings, and provision of associated car parking and cycle parking spaces, landscaping, plant, and associated works. (Amended description)
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Headington Hill and Northway;
Decision due: 4 Oct 2017 by East Area Planning Committee
Reason: Major application
Major application
Decision due: 13 Dec 2017 by Planning Review Committee
Reason: Called in by 16 councillors
Department: Planning, Sustainable Development and Regulatory Services
Contact: Sian Saadeh, Development Management Team Leader Email:
Agenda items
- 08/11/2017 - East Area Planning Committee 17/00584/FUL: Cotuit Hall Old House, Pullens Lane, OX3 0DA 08/11/2017
- 13/12/2017 - Planning Review Committee 17/00584/FUL: Cotuit Hall Old House, Pullens Lane, Oxford, OX3 0DA 13/12/2017