Issue details

Issue details

Aids and Adaptations Policy

The document defines who is eligible for support under the aids and adaptations policy, and any limitations. The aim of this policy is to provide a cost effective service taking into account the health and well-being of the tenant and the household.
The policy takes into account the following corporate and service priorities:
Corporate Priorities
Meeting Housing Needs
Housing Strategy Objectives
Meet the Housing Needs of Vulnerable Groups
Support Sustainable Communities

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure, income or savings of £750,000 or greater;

Decision status: Abandoned

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/09/2014

Scrutiny Responsibility: Scrutiny Committee;

Decision due: 10 Sep 2015 by City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019)
Reason: meeting dates of CEB

Lead member: Housing (expired)

Lead director: Director of Housing

Department: Housing

Contact: Stephen Clarke, Head of Housing Services / Director Housing Companies Email: Tel: 01865 252447.

Consultation process
