Issue history
Motions on Notice 4 October 2021, 29 November 2021, 31 January 2022, 21 March 2022: End Fire and Rehire (proposer Cllr Mundy, seconder Cllr Dunne)
- 04/10/2021 - Agenda item, Council End Fire and Rehire (proposer Cllr Mundy, seconder Cllr Dunne) 04/10/2021
- 29/11/2021 - Agenda item, Council End Fire and Rehire (proposer Cllr Mundy, seconder Cllr Dunne) 29/11/2021
- 31/01/2022 - Agenda item, Council End Fire and Rehire (proposer Cllr Mundy, seconder Cllr Dunne) 31/01/2022
- 21/03/2022 - Agenda item scheduled, Council