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Cyclists In Support of Temporary Closure of Cycle Routes to Make Oxford Christmas Market Flourish

We the undersigned petition the council to Close the cycle route along Broad Street during the Christmas Market. The Christmas Market is open for only for 2 weeks and cyclists signing this petition don't mind disembarking to walk the short distance in order to let the Christmas market thrive and flourish. By utilising the cycle route space, there is more workable space for stalls, visitors and families to enjoy the market. Thank you for listening.

The council failed to consult cyclists about whether or not they'd like to keep the cycle routes open for the short period of time during the Christmas Market. The decision is very ill-advised as many of the cyclists I've spoken to don't mind one bit about disembarking and walking for a short distance. They want a bigger, safer space for the market to thrive.

This ePetition ran from 25/07/2023 to 25/09/2023 and has now finished.

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To find out more about the issue, see the supporting information, provided by the lead petitioner, attached to the e-Petition.