

Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s committees and officers.

Decisions published

10/11/2021 - Furnished Tenancy Scheme contract award ref: 2244    Implemented

The Council operates a Furnished Tenancy Scheme (FTS) whereby new tenants who have not previously held a social housing tenancy are offered the opportunity to hold a furnished tenancy.

The purpose of the scheme is to provide new tenants with the best possible opportunity to succeed in their tenancy by removing many of the immediate financial demands that providing furniture for a first home can bring, thus reducing the risk of high levels of indebtedness.

Decision Maker: Executive Director (Communities and People)

Decision published: 22/12/2021

Effective from:


Award of contract to Furnished Homes to provide a Furnished Tenancy Scheme for 3 years with the option to extend by a further two years, to a maximum contract length of 5 years.

Lead officer: Carolyn Devenney

05/11/2021 - Lease & Licence for Alterations for a substation at Redbridge Park and Ride. Easement to enable cable to be laid for a further substation near Watlington Road with Pivoted Power LLP ref: 2232    Recommendations Approved

The substation will allow a termination point for the private wire delivering electricity for the EV hub at Redbridge and the cable easement will provide future electrification projects near Watlington Rd.

Decision Maker: Head of Corporate Property

Decision published: 18/11/2021

Effective from: 05/11/2021


To grant a licence for alterations with Pivoted Power LLP for the substation at Redbridge Park and Ride to be built and a 30 year lease for the land. Grant a deed of easement for an electricity cable relating to Land off WatlingtonRoad, Oxford.

26/10/2021 - Structural repair works, crack repairs and redecorations to bungalows at 71 and 73 Leiden Road, Wood Farm ref: 2225    Recommendations Approved

These bungalows have been suffering from structural movement for many years.  It appears that parts of No. 71 have been underpinned in the past.  Raking shores were provided to the gable wall of No. 73 more than 15 years ago.

The cause of the damage is primarily due to leakage from the drainage system

Although there are trees nearby these predate the age of bungalows and are not considered to be implicated in the damage evident. 

Tree removal would likely cause further damage.  

The properties have cracked and tilted.  The gable wall of No. 73 was deemed to be structurally unstable, hence the provision of the raking shores 15+ years ago.

Both properties are currently occupied.

The works to No. 71 can be undertaken while the tenant remains in residence.  The work to No. 73 will require the tenant to be temporarily decanted.

Undertaking the repairs and structural restraint will improve living conditions for the tenants.  Removal of the raking shores will obviate the fear of structural failure.

Decision Maker: Head of Housing Services

Decision published: 10/11/2021

Effective from: 26/10/2021


Award of contract to Oxford Direct Services  to undertake work at 71 and 73 Leiden Road, Wood Farm.   The cost of the necessary works is estimated to be c12k for No. 71 and £63k for No. 73.a total of c.£75k (plus a contingency).



26/10/2021 - Structural repair works, crack repairs and redecorations for odd numbered properties, 1- 23 Pickett Avenue, Wood Farm ref: 2224    Recommendations Approved

These 2 blocks of flats have been suffering from structural movement for many years.  In recent years the drains have been repaired, trees removed and the ground beneath the foundations injected by Geobear.

The external walling of both blocks has cracked and requires repair.  The internal damage appears to be limited to Flats 3 and 7.

Both No. 3 and No. 7 are currently occupied.

The works within the flats will be disruptive and the tenants will need to be temporarily rehoused.


Decision Maker: Head of Housing Services

Decision published: 09/11/2021

Effective from: 26/10/2021


Award of contract to ODS to undertake work at odd numbered properties 1 – 23 Pickett Avenue, Wood Farm, for the value of circa £70k (plus a contingency).

This roughly sub-divides as follows:

·         Crack repairs to external brickwork:  £25,000

·         Internal crack repairs and redecorations to flat No. 3:  £24,000

·         Internal crack repairs and redecorations to flat No. 7:  £21,000


04/11/2021 - Purchase of completed development at Edgecombe Road ref: 2223    For Determination

To authorise the transfer by purchase by Oxford City Council of the extensively refurbished 3 bedroom house, new build 3 and 5 bedroom house delivered through the OCHDL Extensions programme. Contributing to the Councils overall Affordable Housing provision.

Decision Maker: Executive Director (Communities and People)

Decision published: 05/11/2021

Effective from: 10/11/2021


To authorise the transfer by purchase of the land and affordable housing at the former Royal British Legion, Edgecombe Road from Oxford City Housing (Development) Limited to the Council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for a consideration of £2,350,000 in total.

Decision Maker: Executive Director (Communities and People)

Decision published: 09/11/2021

Effective from: 10/11/2021


To authorise the purchase by way of transfer the completed property at 66 Sandy Lane, resulting from the Oxford City Housing Development Ltd Extensions Programme.

Authority was granted for the HRA to purchase units for £1,025,000 in total. The purchase is supported by £110,000 of Oxfordshire Growth Deal Affordable Housing Grant and £110,000 in Retained Right to Buy Receipts.

Wards affected: (All Wards);