

Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s committees and officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Furnished Tenancy Scheme contract award ref: 224410/11/2021 0
Lease & Licence for Alterations for a substation at Redbridge Park and Ride. Easement to enable cable to be laid for a further substation near Watlington Road with Pivoted Power LLP ref: 223205/11/202105/11/2021Not for call-in
Structural repair works, crack repairs and redecorations to bungalows at 71 and 73 Leiden Road, Wood Farm ref: 222526/10/202126/10/2021Not for call-in
Structural repair works, crack repairs and redecorations for odd numbered properties, 1- 23 Pickett Avenue, Wood Farm ref: 222426/10/202126/10/2021Not for call-in
Purchase of the three homes at 66 Sandy Lane, Oxford ref: 222609/11/202112/11/2021Call-in expired