Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s committees and officers.
22/01/2025 - Decision to enter into a contract for architectural services with Original Field Architects in relation to Phase 2 of the Northfield Hostel housing development site. ref: 2623 Recommendations Approved
To appoint Original Field architects to develop the design and secure Reserved Matters Planning permission for the Northfield 10 (Northfield phase 2) to deliver 10 affordable homes as part of the Northfields development in the HRA.
Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive - Place
Decision published: 22/01/2025
Effective from: 22/01/2025
To authorise entering into a contract for architectural services in the reserved matters stage of planning in preprationto undertake this development project (as above). The budget envelope for the project has been provided at annual February Council budget setting meetings. The value of the contract is £13,650.00.
Lead officer: Anneri Gatial
10/01/2025 - Purchase of 67 Sherwood Place, Northway, Oxford, OX3 8PL ref: 2622 Recommendations Approved
Agreement to purchase the unit into the HRA as Social Rent to provide an Affordable Housing opportunity.
Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive – City and Citizens’ Services
Decision published: 13/01/2025
Effective from: 10/01/2025
Leasehold purchase of a one-bedroom ground floor flat at 67 Sherwood Place for a purchase price of £170,000.
Lead officer: Andrew Dorrington
09/01/2025 - Award of Build Contract - Northfield Hostel site ref: 2621 Recommendations Approved
To enter into a build contract with Equans Ltd. OCHL will act as the development manager on behalf of the Council, and will undertake the direct development of Phase 1 of the Northfield development in the HRA
Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive – City and Citizens’ Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 14/01/2025
To authorise entering into a build contract with Equans Ltd. to undertake this development project (as above). The budget envelope for the project has been provided at annual February Council budget setting meetings.
Wards affected: Littlemore;