Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Asset Management Plan Refresh 2014-15

17/10/2014 - Asset Management Plan Refresh 2014-15

The Regeneration and Major Projects Manager submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought approval for the adoption of the Asset Management Plan Refresh 2014-15


Cllr Turner, Board Member for Finance, Asset Management and Public Health presented the report. He explained that this was merely a refresh and that a full review and consultation would take place next year.


Cllr Fooks asked what the length of a short term lease was for community centres and was told it could be anything from 0-50 years.


Cllr Fooks was concerned with the description of the Covered Market in the plan. The plan does not acknowledge the Covered Market’s dual purpose for the Council as a community as well as a commercial asset.  She asked that the additional money raised, once the rent review has been agreed, be invested into implementing the recommendations suggested by the Retail Group.


Cllr Turner said there was unlikely to be a lot of additional money available in the budget after the rent review and that many of the recommendations from the Retail Group had already been added to the capital programme.


The City Executive Board resolved to recommend to Council the adoption of the Asset Management Plan Refresh 2014- 2015