Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Integrated Performance Report 2014/15_ Quarter 4

10/07/2015 - Integrated Performance Report 2014/15 Quarter 4

The Head of Financial Services submitted a report (previously circulated now appended) which detailed the finance, risk and performance position as at the end of Quarter 4, 31 March 2015.


Cllr Turner, Board Member for Finance, Corporate Asset Management and Public Health presented the report, referencing the written responses to the Scrutiny Committee recommendations.  He drew attention to the Council’s General Fund outturn position for 2014-15 (a favourable variance of £1.808m) and congratulated officers in exceeding income targets.  He also commented on the improved capital performance of the Council.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.       NOTE the financial outturn and performance of the Council for the year 2014/15 and also the position on risks outstanding as at 31 March 2015;


2.       NOTE the transfers to General Fund earmarked reserves detailed in the report and Appendix E5;


3.       NOTE the transfers to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) earmarked reserves as detailed in paragraph 16;


4.       AGREE the carry forward requests outlined at paragraph 8 and detailed in Appendix E4;


5.       NOTE the capital carry forwards as detailed in Appendix E2

18/03/2015 - Integrated Performance Report Quarter 3 2014/15

The Heads of Finance and Business Improvement and Technology submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the Council’s finances, risk and performance as at the end of quarter 3, 31 December 2014


Cllr Turner, Board member for Finance, Asset Management and Public Health presented the report. The Council had done better than expected in trading services; he thanked the staff involved for the work done.


In terms of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) there was a slippage in the building of new council homes, the grant for this would be carried forward.


The Capital Programme was also facing slippages, it was a difficult climate for construction and an undersupply of materials was making it harder to get projects completed within budget and on-time. The Rose Hill Community Centre was one project that had taken longer than anticipated to begin.


Cllr Turner explained the proposal to create a property investment fund which would enable the Council to turn one off resources into revenue.  There is a range of options  of  how property should be selected:

- does it have a social use?

- Liquidity

-Degree of return


Council’s performance for the quarter was good. Council’s CO2 emissions will improve in the next quarter with the change in swimming pools.


Cllr Fooks said she supported the property portfolio proposal.


She asked how much of the £500,000 equity loan scheme had been taken up?

The Executive Director for Community Services explained that the scheme needed to seek approval to allow existing teachers in Oxford schools to apply. Schools would prefer to retain junior teachers rather than encourage teachers from outside the city. Funding could be used to help teachers pay a deposit for their first home.


Cllr Fooks noted that the lack of affordable homes being built was disappointing. This was due to the economic downturn.


She asked how the corporate lease renewals/rent reviews were progressing.

The Chief Executive explained that the Council was in the process of negotiating rent reviews. It had deliberately missed the deadline in the hope of securing higher rents. Any rents would be backdated.


Cllr Fooks asked why the total value of work as a result of Environmental Development intervention was 20% below target.

Cllr Tanner, Board Member for Cleaner, Greener Oxford, Climate Change and Transport said he would provide a written response outside of the meeting.



The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.    NOTE the projected outturn for finance (showing a favourable General Fund position of £1.267 million, a favourable Housing Revenue Account position of £2.565 million and a favourable Capital Position of £3.890 million) and performance as well as the associated risk position as at December 2014;


2.    RECOMMEND to Council a supplementary capital budget £200,000 for welfare facilities at Cowley Marsh depot as detailed in paragraph 5;


3.    NOTE the risks and potential financial penalties relating to Homes and Communities Agency Grant Funding as outlined in paragraphs 6 and 7; and


4.    RECOMMEND to Council that all end of year revenue surpluses from 2014/15 be transferred into a property investment reserve, subject to c) above, in order that the funds can be invested to provide future income streams or to further policy objectives including the allocation of £550,000 in relation to the purchase of the freehold of St.Aldate’s Chambers.


19/12/2014 - Integrated Performance Report Quarter 2 2014/15

The Heads of Finance and Business Improvement and Technology submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the Council’s finances, risk and performance as at the end of Quarter 2, 30th September 2014.


Cllr Bob Price, Board Member for Corporate Strategy, Economic Development and Planning presented the report.


The Performance Improvement Manager explained why the Environmental Enforcement Corporate Performance Indicator needed to be amended so that high levels of performance are good instead of poor performance. The Board agreed with the change.


Cllr Brown asked if there were underlying reasons for why rough sleeping count was going up.


The Executive Director of City Regeneration and Housing explained that things were not getting any easier for homeless people. There were a number of people staying in temporary accommodation long term. It is a systemic issue; hostels are full and demand is outstripping supply.


Cllr Brown said it would be helpful for trends to be plotted over time and shared with councillors. Cllr Seamons said he received this information and will forward it to CEB.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


1. Note the projected outturn for finance and performance as well as the associated risk position as at September 2014;

2. Restore the Environmental Enforcement Corporate Performance Indicator to its former (pre 2014/15) format, as detailed in Appendix A.

3. Restore the Environmental Enforcement Corporate Performance Indicator original target for 2014/15 to that in Corporate Plan 2013/14, as detailed in Appendix A.


12/09/2014 - Integrated Performance Report Quarter 1 2014/15

The Heads of Finance and Business Improvement and Technology submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the Council’s finances, risk and performance as at the end of Quarter 1, 30th June 2014.


Cllr Turner, Executive Board Member for Finance, Asset Management and Public Health presented the report. His response to the scrutiny report is attached.


Cllr Simmons, Chair of the Scrutiny Committee highlighted the loss of subsidy related to benefit over payments. The Head of Customer Services said she had already taken action to avoid claw back and that the position have been adversely affected by the removal of council tax benefit from the calculations. This will be common to all local authorities.


Cllr Price said that the separation of the Council tax benefit from the housing benefit made the figures appear worse than they actually were. The benefit team’s performance was the best it had ever been.


The Blackbird Leys Swimming Pool is within budget and is on target for completion by the end of the year, which is pleasing.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


a.    Note the projected outturn for finance and performance as at the end of the first quarter of 2014/15 and also the risk position as at 30th June 2014;


b.    Recommend to Council the approval of a £160,000 capital investment in a Heavy Goods Vehicle Testing Facility.


c.    Recommend to Council the bringing forward of a £2 million capital investment in Homelessness Property acquisitions from 2015/16 to 2014/15 with the balance of the £10 million budget being profiled £2 million each year over four years from 2015/16.