Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Award of contract for a new Telephony solution.

11/03/2015 - Award of contract for a new Telephony solution.

A new contract for a unified telephony solution for 3 years but potential to be extended for up to 5 years has been agreed.  The contract will provide the Council with fixed fee pricing per user having a single handset. The contract will also include a mobile device management solution.

12/09/2014 - Award of contract for a new Telephony solution

The Head of Business Improvement and Technology submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which will deliver the telephony savings assumed within the Medium Term Financial Plan and request delegated authority to award a contract to deliver the solution.


Cllr Turner, Executive Board Member for Finance, Asset Management and Public Health presented the report. He explained it would be an effective cost saving measure which would free up funding for other projects.


The City Executive Board resolved to give project approval and delegated authority to the Director of Organisational Development and Corporate Services to award a new telephony contract.