Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Neighbourhood Planning Areas - Designation

11/07/2013 - Neighbourhood Planning Areas - Designation

The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended).


Councillor Fooks spoke on the item.  In particular she expressed some surprise that the Council used Ward boundaries to define neighbourhood areas because those boundaries did not necessarily coincide.




(1)                           to designate the Summertown and St Margaret’s and the Wolvercote areas as shown on the maps that form Appendix 1 to the report as neighbourhood area (but not as business areas) under the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 and associated Regulations;


(2)                           To ask the Executive Director, Regeneration and Housing to cause to be checked the availability of grant assistance from the Department for Communities and Local Government, and when in the process any such grants might be available.