Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Pavilions Programme - Project Approval

11/07/2013 - Pavilions Programme - Project Approval

The Head of Leisure, Parks and Community Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended).


Councillor Fooks spoke on the item.  She raised the matter of public expectation concerning the upgrading generally of pavilions and in particular she suggested that the condition of the Alexandra Courts pavilion was below the average condition referred to in Appendix 1.


In response the Leader said that, depending upon budgets, public demand for quality pavilions would be met.  But he emphasised that the programme did depend upon the availability of finance.  On the Alexandra Courts pavilion the Board Member, Parks, Sports and Events referred the councillor to the remarks in Appendix 1 concerning the opportunities for investment in the pavilion.


Resolved to:-


(1)               Grant Major Project Approval of £3.143million for the Pavilion Programme as set out in Appendix 1, subject to securing the relevant external funding;


(2)               RECOMMEND to Council an increase to the project budget to £3.143million subject to securing external funding, and Capital and Asset Management group agreeing the virements noted in Appendix 1;


(3)               Give delegated authority for the Executive Director, Community Services to undertake a procurement exercise for the construction contracts for the various pavilion projects detailed within the report and award the construction contracts to the successful tenderer(s) subject to them being within the overall budget.