Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Headington Preparatory School, 26 London Road, Oxford - 11/02528/FUL

05/04/2012 - Headington Preparatory School, 26 London Road, Oxford - 11/02528/FUL

The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed an application for the construction of two storey entrance foyer.  Single storey extension to form kitchen.  First floor extension to provide store and teaching space.  Two storey extension to provide cloakroom.  New entrance lobby at rear with canopy over library.  (amended plans).


Councillor Mary Clarkson declared a personal interest as her daughters attended the main school, not the pre-school.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, John Aston and Michael Clarkson spoke in favour of the application, no one registered to speak against the application.  The Committee noted that Michael Clarkson was not related to Councillor Mary Clarkson or her husband Michael Clarkson.


The Committee considered all submissions both written and oral and agreed to grant planning permission subject to the ten conditions as laid out in the Planning Officers report and subject to the following additional condition as follows:


Additional condition


Condition (11) – Sustainability measures.