Issue - decisions
Authority Monitoring Report and Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023/24
19/12/2024 - Authority Monitoring Report and Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023/24
The Head of Planning and Regulatory Service had submitted a report to approve the Authority Monitoring Report and Infrastructure Funding Statement for publication. Councillor Upton presented the report and its findings. She explained that it is a statutory requirement for the Council to set out how well it is doing against the criteria of its planning policies, measured against three objectives: strong economy, healthy and vibrant communities, and protection of natural and built environments. She focused on several highlights within the report including the 365 homes built in Oxford in the last year which includes 61 affordable homes, the increase in employment floor space across the city, and the role of Oxford as a major driver of the UK economy.
Councillor Hollingsworth noted that the plan will be out of date from next year and questioned whether this could be causing some of the delays and reductions in the production of developments in the last year. In response, The Team Leader for Planning Policy explained that the local plan will remain the relevant document beyond next year and that work for a new plan is continuing. The reduction in permissions for housing developments in the last year are more linked to other factors including reliance on smaller sites for permissions She noted that these tend to be more unreliable and subject to the variability of the economic climate.
Councillor Chapman requested clarification on an error on page 293 of the report. Cabinet and officers collectively agreed the error.
Councillor Railton queried why there is a difference in how housing and employment land are reported on in respect of the measured categories of permissions and completions. The Team Leader for Planning Policy confirmed that housing uses both measures, but employment land is based only on one. This is based on requirement.
Cabinet agreed to
1. Approve the Authority Monitoring Report and Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023/24 for publication.
2. Authorise the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services to make any necessary minor corrections not materially affecting the document prior to publication.