Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Appointment of a multi-disciplinary consultants team to support the delivery of the Oxpens Bridge Project

11/12/2023 - Appointment of a multi-disciplinary consultants team to support the delivery of the Oxpens Bridge Project

To appoint Perfect Circle JV Limited (a joint venture between Aecom Limited, Gleeds Capital Limited and PEKG Limited - a trading vehicle of Pick Everard, a partnership)to provide multi-disciplinary consultancy services to support the delivery of the construction of the new Oxpens Bridge.  The value of the contract will be £149,531.38 (£179,437.66 to include VAT).  This is a fixed price, apart from £8.5k (£10,200 including VAT) discretionary spend.  The procurement has been undertaken via the SCAPE Consultancy framework.