Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Parks Road, Oxford - 11/03210/CAC and 11/03207/FUL

08/06/2011 - Parks Road, Oxford - 11/03210/CAC and 11/03207/FUL

The Head of City Development Submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) detailing two planning applications for the following developments:


(i): 10/03210/CAC: Removal of existing ornamental gates and sections of railings fronting Lindemann building and to University parks.


(ii): 10/03207/FUL: Demolition of former lodge building and removal of temporary waste stores. Erection of new physics research building on 5 levels above ground plus 2 basement levels below with 3 level link to Lindemann building. Creation of landscaped courtyard to South of new building and cycle parking to North. Re-erection of Lindemann gates to repositioned entrance to University Parks and of University Park gates to new entrance further north opposite Department of Materials. Re-alignment of boundary railings.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking the Head of the University’s Department of Physics spoke in favour of the development highlighting the importance of the new building for the continued success of the Physics Department.

The applicant’s architect Oliver Milton of Hawkins Brown Architects spoke about key aspects of the design principles for the building.


Resolved to approve the development subject to the following conditions:-



(i): 10/03210/CAC:

1        Commencement of work

2        Approved plans


(ii): 10/03207/FUL:


1        Development begun within time limit         

2        Develop in accordance with approved plans        

3        Materials       

4        Architectural details

5        PD rights       

6        Student numbers      

7        Landscape plan required    

8        No felling lopping cutting     

9        Landscape underground services - tree roots      

10   Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 1         

11   Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 1            

12   Landscape carry out after completion       

13   Landscape management plan        

14   Car parking numbers           

15   Control of car parking          

16   Works to highway / public realm     

17   Cycle parking spaces          

18   External lighting        

19   Travel plan    

20   Construction travel plan       

21   Construction management plan     

22   Ground source heat pumps            

23   Groundwater drainage        

24   Groundwater level monitoring         

25   Plant noise attenuation        

26   Sustainable drainage          

27   Petrol / oil interceptors        

28   Natural resource impact analysis   

29   Archaeology

30   Public art       

31   Habitat creation


The Committee imposed an additional condition requiring further cycle parking to the forecourt area and that the public art required by condition should be located in a prominent position where it could be enjoyed by the wider public


Committee also added an informative on landscaping of the site to retain as many existing trees on the site as possible, and that consideration should be given to planting to the north side of the building, possibly including within University Parks.