Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Corporate Enforcement Policy (previously Environmental Development Enforcement Policy)

21/12/2015 - Corporate Enforcement Policy 2015

The Director for Housing and Regeneration submitted a report which detailed proposals for an Enforcement Policy covering all the regulatory functions of the Council.


Cllr Hollingsworth, Board Member Planning, Transport and Regulatory Service, presented the report.  He explained that the Enforcement Policy complied with the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006 and referred the Board to the details contained in the Action Plan.  He confirmed that the Action Plan milestones would be reviewed and monitored by the Board Member and officers.


The Environmental Health Service Manager explained that this was a corporate not service specific policy.  He said that the Council’s enforcement approach would take corporate and local priorities into account.  In response to questions on the Action Plan he assured the Board that safeguarding training was an on-going activity and that it was the annual review of training plans that was scheduled for completion by June 2016.


The City Executive Board resolved to:

1.    Approve the proposed Corporate Enforcement Policy and its appendices.

05/04/2012 - Environmental Development Enforcement Policy 2012

The Head of Environmental Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended).


Resolved to approve the Environmental Development Enforcement Policy that forms Appendix 1 to the report for immediate implementation.