Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Culture Strategy - Consultation Outcome

14/09/2012 - Culture Strategy - Consultation Outcome

The Head of Policy, Culture and Communications submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended). Peter McQuitty presented the report to City Executive Board, and introduced Dr Ceri Gorton (Cultural Development Manager).


Councillor Jim Campbell addressed the meeting as follows


  • The cultural offer in Oxford is outstanding and the City Council has been a good cultural facilitator;
  • Welcomed the issue identified in the report of emphasising the city, as opposed to the University, element of the cultural offer;
  • However, he could not support the presentation of the report to Council as it stands at present.  Councillor Campbell did not feel that the report was well presented, it did not invite people to read it, and if failed to show what a good cultural offer the City Council provides;
  • A representative from local arts/cultural groups should be invited to join the Cultural Actions Group (CAG) otherwise it would comprise only “big players”;
  • He welcomed the 3 priorities identified, but felt they should be made more measurable. Scrutiny should have a role as well as City Executive Board.


Councillor Turner responded that there was no intention to exclude anyone from the CAG, and he would be happy for scrutiny to have a role in monitoring the priorities.   It was agreed that a representative from a smaller arts /cultural group would be invited to join the CAG, and that Councillor Campbell could work with Peter McQuitty on the presentation and physical appearance of the strategy


Resolved that, subject to the above comments and any other minor revisions agreed informally on a cross-party basis, the new Cultural Strategy would be recommended to Council for adoption.