Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Affordable Housing Delivery Programme

01/09/2023 - Purchase of the extended and refurbished home at 26 Valentia Road, Oxford

To authorise the purchase, by way of transfer, of the extended and refurbished home at 26 Valentia Road, Oxford, resulting from the Oxford City Housing Development Ltd Extensions Programme for a total of £525,000.

08/06/2023 - Purchase of the extended and refurbished home at 74 and 74a Foxwell Drive

To authorise the purchase, by way of transfer, of the completed property and refurbished home at 74 and 74a Foxwell Drive, resulting from the Oxford City Housing Development Ltd Extensions Programme, for a total of £700,000.

18/11/2022 - Agreement with Homes England to allow for grant bids

To enter into an agreement with Homes England as part of their Affordable Homes Programme 2021-26 (Continuous Market Engagement). This will allow submission of bids for Homes England grant to support the delivery of the Affordable Housing Supply programme.

24/05/2022 - Purchase of the extended and refurbished home at 32 Union Street, Oxford

To authorise the purchase by way of transfer the completed property extended and refurbished home at 32 Union Street, resulting from the Oxford City Housing Development Ltd Extensions Programme.

Authority was granted for the HRA to purchase the unit for £465,000 in total.