Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Proposed extensions at 9 Bears Hedge, 1 Outram Road, 5 Nicholson Road and 54 Balfour Road

03/11/2011 - 54 Balfour Road, 9 Bears Hedge, 5 Nicholson Road and 1 Outram Road - Proposed Extensions

The Head of Corporate Assets submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) concerning proposed extensions to provide suitable accommodation for tenants with disabilities at 54 Balfour Road, 5 Nicholson Road, 9 Bears Hedge and 1 Outram Road.


Chris Pyle (Housing Projects Manager) indicated that he would, for future information, be contacting other local authorities to see what actions they took in these circumstances.


Resolved to APPROVE the use of the Aids and Adaptations Capital Budget for the erection of rear extensions to 1 Outram Road (estimated cost £50,000), 9 Bears Hedge (Lowest sum tendered £39,636), 74 Balfour Road (lowest sum tendered £45,883) and 5 Nicholson Road (lowest sum tendered £29, 562) for the existing disabled tenants and otherwise on terms to be agreed by the Head of Corporate Assets.