Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Postponement of door-to-door canvassing due to Covid-19 and mitigating measures

16/11/2020 - Postponement of door-to-door canvassing due to Covid-19 and mitigating measures

To postpone the physical face-to-face visits of the canvass (c.10,000 properties) with that decision to be reviewed in early 2021, and to take the following mitigating measures:

·         investigate whether there are any further data sets that could be used to “return” a property;

·         where a property remains outstanding send a further canvass form;

·         send an e-mail, where possible, to encourage a response to that form;

·         carry out a telephone canvass of outstanding properties where possible;

·         plan to carry out the personal visit phase at some point in the early spring (February/early March 2021) if the public health situation allows;

·         use the Council’s social media channels to publicise the personal visit/form delivery at that time;

·         write  to the occupants of each known House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) in the City.