Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Award of contract for the design and build of City Cycling Routes

19/10/2020 - Award of contract for the design and build of City Cycling Routes

To appoint Oxford Direct Services (ODS) to Design and Build Oxford City Cycling Routes Under Growth Deal Funding from Oxfordshire County Council.

Oxfordshire County Council have transferred funding of £1.047m for the project management, design and construction of 4 cycle route schemes.

                Boults Lane Recreation Ground/ Marsh Lane Path

                Marston Road Toucan Crossing

                Cuckoo Lane and Headington Road Crossing

                Boundary Brook and Donnington Recreation Ground path

A programme of consultation will be put in place which will engage with all stakeholders prior to finalising design.

Completion of all schemes is programmed to be 12th June 2021

 Following due diligence by an independent consultant it was agreed that ODS were competent to carry out the works and were in an acceptable price band. The process conforms to Procurement of ODS for capital programme projects.

The decision was taken in accordance with the Council’s Contract Rules - Part 19.22(d) of the Constitution (total contract value is over £500,000 but less than £1,000,000 where the Council is the buyer).