Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

19/02685/RES: Wolvercote Paper Mill, Mill Road, Wolvercote

14/11/2019 - 19/02685/RES: Wolvercote Paper Mill , Mill Road, Wolvercote

The Committee considered an application (19/02685/RES) for approval of the reserved matters (landscaping) for the removal of 58 trees and the planting of 132 replacement trees along Home Close boundary pursuant to outline permission 13/01861/OUT.


The application was before the Committee as it constituted a significant amendment to the landscape proposals approved pursuant to the reserved matters application (18/00966/RES).


The Planning Officer presented the report and advised that since the agenda was published:

·       Thames Water had confirmed that they had no objections to the application;

·       The Wolvercote Commoners Committee had written with comments regarding notification of the dates of the proposed work and arrangements for “wheel-washing”.  Wheel washing is dealt with under the existing conditions. Officers did not consider a condition to be necessary with regard to notifying the neighbours as they understand that the applicant proactively communicates with local residents in any event;

·       A further condition to require an updated assessment of all trees for roosting bats before the trees are removed was proposed.


Paul Comerford and Vikki Roe, representing the applicant, spoke in favour of the application.


The Committee noted the reasons for the tree removal and land remediation set out in the report and agreed that this was an opportunity to improve the quality of the local landscape with the introduction of native species.


After debate and on being proposed, seconded and put to the vote, the Committee agreed with the officer’s recommendation to approve the application subject to the addition of a further condition requiring a bat roost assessment report prior to tree removal.


The West Area Planning Committee resolved to:

1.       approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the 3 required planning conditions set out in section 12 of the report and the additional condition requiring a bat roost assessment and grant approval of the reserved matters; and

2.       agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services to:

·       consider and deal with any new material planning considerations that may be raised through public consultation up to 18 November 2019 including deciding whether it is necessary to refer the application back to the committee prior to issuing the approval;

·       finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary; and

·       issue the reserved matters approval