Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Motions on Notice 2018/19 - 23 July 2018

20/08/2018 - Motions on notice

Council had before it six motions on notice and amendments submitted in accordance with Council procedure rule 11.17, and reached decisions as set out below.


Council resolved to adopt the following motions as set out in these minutes:


a.      Eco standards in new buildings

b.      Opposition to the Oxford Cambridge Expressway road plans and the expansion of Oxford airport

c.       Stop Roll out of Universal Credit, Fix its Impact on Vulnerable People

d.      Homelessness

e.      Supporting a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal

f.       Extending twinning links


At the conclusion of debate on the third motion, Councillor Tanner proposed and the Lord Mayor seconded suspension of the relevant standing orders to extend the time limit for the debate on motions by 30 minutes to allow all motions to be considered.


On being put to the vote, Council resolved to suspend the relevant standing orders and extend the time limit for the debate on motions by 30 minutes to allow all motions to be considered.