Issue - decisions
Bid for Maintenance and Repair Work
26/06/2017 - Exempt Appendix 1_Bid for Maintenance and Repairs Work
26/06/2017 - Tender for Maintenance and Repair work
The Executive Director of Sustainable City submitted a report seeking approval to submit a bid to Ubico for the maintenance and repair service to vehicles, mobile plant and equipment, as the potential value of the bid exceeds delegated authority levels.
Cllr Turner, Board Member for Finance and Asset Management presented the report.
The City Executive Board resolved:
1. to authorise the submission of a bid to Ubico (a company wholly owned by Local Authorities) to undertake maintenance and repair service to vehicles, mobile plant and equipment owned by West Oxfordshire District Council.
2. and in the event that the bid is successful, to grant delegated authority to the Executive Director of Sustainable City, in consultation with the Council’s S151 Officer and Monitoring Officer, and subject to the contract making a satisfactory contribution towards overheads, to enter into an appropriate contract for the supply of the relevant repair and maintenance services.