Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Oxford 2050: A vision for a successful and sustainable city for everyone

26/06/2017 - Oxford 2050: A vision for a successful and sustainable city for everyone

The Assistant Chief Executive submitted a report which presents the strategy document Oxford 2050: A vision for a successful and sustainable city for everyone: an overarching strategy to support and guide future corporate plans and delivery documents.


The Board noted the need to incorporate the long term vision in this document into medium term strategies.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.    Approve the text in Annex 1 Oxford 2050 to be the subject of active stakeholder engagement and formal consultation;


2.    Delegate authority to the Assistant Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to develop in conjunction with other relevant officers an engaging communications plan and supporting materials for internal and external use to ensure the content and aims of the Vision are accessible for a range of audiences.