Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Review of Executive Scheme of Delegation

26/08/2016 - Review of the Executive Scheme of Delegation - Financial Thresholds for Contract Award and Tendering

The Head of Law & Governance submitted a report which considered whether the Executive Scheme of Delegation should be amended to increase the thresholds beyond which City Executive Board approval is needed for contract awards and for tenders to be submitted by the Council.


The Leader of the Council presented the report.


Councillor Fooks said it would be better to take these decisions in public and asked what would be reported?


Board Members responded that decisions were formally advertised as key decisions in the forward plan and advertised as officer decisions, and the relevant board members would be informed before the decision.


The City Executive Board resolved to:

1.    Approve an increase to the threshold at which the decision to accept a tender must be made by the City Executive Board from £500,000 to £1,000,000;

2.    Delegate to the relevant Executive Director, in consultation with the statutory officers and the relevant Board member, the decision to accept a tender of a value between £500,000 and up to £1,000,000;

3.    Delegate to the relevant  Executive Director, in consultation with the statutory officers, the decision to submit a tender with a value of up to £500,000; and

4.    Delegate to the relevant Executive Director, on confirmation that a tender submitted by the Council, with a value up to £500,000, is successful, the decision to enter into an agreement to deliver the services.