Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Enhancing Pathways for the long term unemployed

13/11/2015 - Enhancing Pathways for the long term unemployed

The Executive Director, Organisational Development & Corporate Services submitted a report which sought approval to deliver a project supporting long term unemployed people into work.


Cllr Brown, Executive Board Member for Customer and Corporate Services presented the report and informed the Board that the outcome of stage one of the funding bid would not be known until mid-November.


The Board noted that the focus of the project was to provide support to the long-term unemployed who faced significant barriers to entry into the job market. They were pleased to note the success of the recent job fair in Blackbird Leys and supported officers plans so hold other similar events at other locations in the city. 


The City Executive Board resolved to:

1.         approve the project outlined in the report.