Issue - decisions

Issue - decisions

Westgate planning applications:13/02557/OUT and 14/02402/RES

12/03/2015 - Westgate planning applications:14/02402/CND - Conditions 6 & 17 (landscaping and elevational treatments)

The Head of City Development submitted a report setting out details submitted in compliance with conditions 6 (landscaping) and 17 (elevational treatments) of planning permission 14/02402/RESat the Westgate Centre and adjacent land encompassing the existing Westgate Centre and land bounded by Thames Street, Castle Mill Stream, Abbey Place, Norfolk Street, Castle St, Bonn Square, Street Ebbes Street, Turn Again Lane and Old Greyfriars Street.


The Chair departed from the normal procedure to allow committee members to examine visualisations and sample materials and listen to an explanation of these by the architects.


Michael Hugh Jones told the Committee of his concerns about the loss of plane trees at the site.


Debbie Dance, representing the Oxford Preservation Trust, spoke to the committee about the Trust’s concerns including those relating to property they owned nearby.


Bob Allies, Peter Coleman, Jeremy Dixon, Sara Fuge, Simon Hudspith, and Oliver Smith, representing the development consortium, presented the proposals to the Committee and answered questions.


The Committee noted that the applicants had engaged with Oxford Preservation Trust and others in bringing forward the amendments and would continue to do so.


The Committee resolved to approve the details submitted in compliance with conditions 6 and 17 of reserved matters planning permission 14/902402/RES, as set out in the report and as displayed by the applicants.