Agenda item
Motions on Notice
Council Procedure Rule 11.14 refers. The Motions (listed in the order received) that have been notified to the Head of Law and Governance by the deadline of 1.00pm on Wednesday 28th September 2011 are attached to this agenda.
Council had before it 16 Motions on Notice and reached decisions as follows:
(1) Council Tax Benefit – (Proposer – Councillor Ed Turner, seconded by Councillor Antonia Bance)
Council notes with regret and alarm the consultation
on cuts to council tax benefit. Council believes that the cut
- which will amount to nearly 20% in the council tax benefit of
working-age recipients - represents an appalling indifference to
the plight of people on low incomes (including many disabled people
and those with children) and will be damaging to the aim of
reducing child poverty, in Oxford and elsewhere.
Council expresses concern that local authorities are being
incentivised to reduce benefits and
spend funding elsewhere, and believes this could lead to a highly
damaging 'race to the bottom' in levels of provision. Council
also expresses concern at the significant expense likely to be
associated in chasing small amounts of money from those on low
incomes, and at the significant extra complexity which will be
introduced into the benefits system at a time when simplification
is the government's stated aim.
Council notes that in the past politicians have expressed concern
at a perceived unfairness in the council tax system, and finds it
an act of gross political hypocrisy that these same politicians are
now massively increasing the council tax burden upon the very
poorest in our society.
Council asks the Chief Executive to draft a strongly-worded letter
to Ministers on this subject, to be signed by himself and any group leaders who are
Councillor David Rundle moved an amendment:- to delete the third paragraph.
Councillor David Williams moved an amendment:- to insert the following words at the end of the first sentence in the first paragraph “as proposed by the Coalition Government”
The mover of the substantive Motion, Councillor Ed Turner did not accept the amendment by Councillor David Rundle, but did accept the amendment by Councillor David Williams and following a debate, Council voted and the Motion as amended by Councillor David Williams was adopted as follows:
Council notes with regret and alarm the consultation on cuts to council tax benefit. Council believes that the cut - which will amount to nearly 20% in the council tax benefit of working-age recipients - represents an appalling indifference to the plight of people on low incomes (including many disabled people and those with children) and will be damaging to the aim of reducing child poverty, in Oxford and elsewhere.
Council expresses concern that local authorities are
being incentivised to reduce benefits
and spend funding elsewhere, and believes this could lead to a
highly damaging 'race to the bottom' in levels of provision.
Council also expresses concern at the significant expense likely to
be associated in chasing small amounts of money from those on low
incomes, and at the significant extra complexity which will be
introduced into the benefits system at a time when simplification
is the government's stated aim.
Council asks the Chief Executive to draft a strongly-worded letter to Ministers on this subject, to be signed by himself and any group leaders who are willing.
(2) Universal Credit Delivery Arrangements – (Proposer Val Smith, seconded by Councillor Mike Rowley)
Council notes that the Government has indicated that
benefits for those of working age are to be merged into the
Universal Credit. Council expresses concern that this is
associated with enormous reductions in the DWP's overall budget, meaning the transition is
likely to exacerbate poverty. Council further expresses
concern that administration of the new combined benefit may be
entirely with the DWP, and will not offer vulnerable claimants the
personal service that they receive from Oxford City Council and
other local authorities. Council believes it is unacceptable
to expect vulnerable claimants to rely on the internet and
telephone alone to make claims, and that the proposed transitional
arrangements, with two systems operating in parallel, run a great
risk of becoming a fiasco.
Council expresses its anxiety that the shift to Universal Credit
will threaten jobs at Oxford City Council, without any guarantee of
a place in the DWP for our staff, nor for financial recompense for
the Council.
Council asks the Chief Executive to write to the Welfare Reform
Minister, Lord Freud, on these matters, and to seek the support of
all groups leaders willing to sign the
Councillor David Williams moved an amendment: to insert the word “Coalition” in the first line of the first paragraph in front of the word “Government”..
The mover of the substantive Motion, Councillor Val Smith accepted the amendment by Councillor David Williams and following a debate, Council voted and the Motion as amended by Councillor David Williams was adopted as follows:
Council notes that the Coalition Government has
indicated that benefits for those of working age are to be merged
into the Universal Credit. Council expresses concern that
this is associated with enormous reductions in the DWP's overall budget, meaning the transition is
likely to exacerbate poverty. Council further expresses
concern that administration of the new combined benefit may be
entirely with the DWP, and will not offer vulnerable claimants the
personal service that they receive from Oxford City Council and
other local authorities. Council believes it is unacceptable
to expect vulnerable claimants to rely on the internet and
telephone alone to make claims, and that the proposed transitional
arrangements, with two systems operating in parallel, run a great
risk of becoming a fiasco.
Council expresses its anxiety that the shift to Universal Credit
will threaten jobs at Oxford City Council, without any guarantee of
a place in the DWP for our staff, nor for financial recompense for
the Council.
Council asks the Chief Executive to write to the Welfare Reform
Minister, Lord Freud, on these matters, and to seek the support of
all groups leaders willing to sign the
(3) Oxford City Council Housing in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Policy – (Proposer – Councillor Joe McManners, seconder Mike Rowley
Council recognises that Oxford City Council had a longstanding desire to tackle the poor standards and problems found in the Private Rental Sector (PRS). Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) are known from survey work to have some of the poorest conditions in the sector. Council notes that Oxford City Council (OCC) lobbied for powers to extend HMO licensing beyond mandatory licensing (which is 3 or more stories and 5 or more unrelated residents); that when the power to license all HMOs was granted, OCC has been one of the first councils to use these powers; that our scheme started in January and is in two phases, starting with the larger HMOs, particularly those with previous problems.
Council further notes that the aims of the schemes are to improve standards for tenants, to provide a way of regulating previously unaccountable landlords and to make sure problematic HMOs for neighbours can be tackled. Council believes that by licensing all HMOs, it can be sure that landlords will have a level playing field and that action can and should be taken against any that try to avoid licensing.
Council notes that enforcement work against landlords continues alongside this scheme and the two strands are mutually reinforcing. Council is proud that Oxford City Council is one of the leading local authorities in England with a sound record of vigorous enforcement against bad landlords.
This Council therefore resolves:
(1) To reiterate its complete support for the work the officers are getting on with by licensing all HMOs.
(2) That the HMO licensing scheme as it stands is one that we believe will improve standards for tenants.
(3) That HMOs are an important part of the PRS and the Council’s priority needs to remain driving up standards universally across the sector so that rogue landlords will no longer have any place in Oxford.
Councillor David Williams submitted an amendment:Delete the first line in the first paragraph.
Insert a new first paragraph to read, “Council recognises that Oxford Green Party City Councillors have had a longstanding desire to tackle the poor standards and problems found in the private rented sector and that after many years the local Labour Administration agreed to implement a scheme in 2008. After two years of delay and confusions that scheme has now been established but is slow in terms of the registration and enforcement of the criteria set.
Insert the following at the end of the original fourth paragraph to make a new paragraph 5 “As it has become clear that the workload related to enforcement and registration is ever larger, the Council believes that it will become increasingly important to have a larger team of related officers undertaking the workload.”
Insert a new point 1 to read “To increase the registration and enforcement team by at least one senior officer. A report to be presented to the City Executive Board in the autumn as to how this could be implemented.”
Councillor David Williams withdrew his amendment.
Following a debate, the Motion was adopted unamended.
(4) Sustainable Purpose Built Student Accommodation – (Proposer – Councillor Antonia Bance, Seconder – Councillor Roy Darke)
Council welcomes the remarkable contribution that our two world-class universities make to Oxford, and the vast range of benefits that they bring to the local economy, and to the social and cultural life of our city. Council endorses the established Local Plan/Core Strategy policy of seeking to reduce the number of students who live in the private rented sector by increasing the amount of purpose-built student housing in the city, and believes that this policy, along with the implementation of tougher regulation of the private rented sector, will bring benefits to the whole community.
Council asks the Executive to increase the efforts that it is already making to encourage the construction of further purpose-built student housing in appropriate and sustainable locations and to ensure that future policies and planning documents recognise the extensive and valuable contribution that students make to our city.
Councillor David Williams moved an amendment:to insert the following words “sustainable eco friendly” in line eight of the first paragraph, and to insert the following words in the eleventh line (second paragraph) “eco friendly sustainable”.
The mover of the substantive Motion, Councillor Antonia Bance accepted the amendment by Councillor David Williams and following a debate, Council in a named vote, voted as follows to adopt the amended Motion as follows:
Councillors Elise Benjamin, Alan Armitage, Jeans Fooks, Mohammed Abbasi, Mohammed Altaf-Khan, Antonia Bance, Laurence Baxter, Stephen Brown, Clark Brundin, Jim Campbell, Mary Clarkson, Colin Cook, Van Coulter, Roy Darke, John Goddard, Michael Gotch, Rae Humberstone, Graham Jones, Bryan Keen, Shah Jahan Khan, Ben Lloyd-Shogbesan, Mark Lygo, Sajjad Malik, Stuart McCready, Joe McManners, Mark Mills, Matt Morton, Susanna Pressel, Bob Price, Mike Rowley, Gywnneth Royce, David Rundle, Gill Sanders, Scott Seamons, Dee Sinclair, Val Smith, John Tanner, Bob Timbs, Ed Turner, Oscar Van Nooijen, and Ruth Wilkinson, voting in favour of the amended Motion.
Councillors Stuart Craft and Richard Wolff voting against the amended Motion.
Councillors David Williams and Nuala Young abstained.
Council welcomes the remarkable contribution that our two world-class universities make to Oxford, and the vast range of benefits that they bring to the local economy, and to the social and cultural life of our city. Council endorses the established Local Plan/Core Strategy policy of seeking to reduce the number of students who live in the private rented sector by increasing the amount of sustainable eco friendly purpose-built student housing in the city, and believes that this policy, along with the implementation of tougher regulation of the private rented sector, will bring benefits to the whole community.
Council asks the Executive to increase the efforts that it is already making to encourage the construction of further eco friendly sustainable purpose-built student housing in appropriate and sustainable locations and to ensure that future policies and planning documents recognise the extensive and valuable contribution that students make to our city.
(5) Proposed Electoral Reform – (Proposer – Councillor David Williams, Seconder – Councillor Dick Wolff)
The Council believes the proposals of the Coalition Government and Boundary Commission with regard to amendments to the Representation of the People Act, notably the scheme to reduce the present Parliamentary representation and the recommendation to alter voter registration from a compulsory household identification to a US style individual voluntary registration on the electoral roll will undermine democratic representation in Oxford.
Council invites the Executive to:-
(a) conclude, on reviewing the recommendations, that reducing the number of MPs from 650 to 600 will result in a less representative Parliament and mean that the local character and opinions of the electoral will be further eroded, lost in much larger constituency structures. Far from increasing the size of constituencies the Executive believes that the City would be better served with a reduction in the number of voters in each constituency in order that Oxford City boundary could encompass two full Parliamentary constituencies;
(b) conclude that the proposal to move to individual voluntary registration will means that large numbers of poor and vulnerable voters will drop off the electoral register in Oxford and could mean up to 10 million voters nationally will no longer be on the electoral rolls,
and, depending upon the Executive’s conclusion, to write to the Boundary Commission and the Coalition Government Minister proposing that the changes to the existing legislation do not proceed.
Councillor Mike Rowley moved an amendment: to delete point (a) and replace with the words “conclude, on reviewing the recommendation, that reducing the number of MP’s to exactly 600 will mean that the local character and opinions of the electorate will be less well represented, with respect for the boundaries of actually existing communities taking second place to mathematics based on a predetermined size of the House of Commons”.
The mover of the substantive Motion, Councillor David Williams accepted the amendment and following a debate, Council voted and the amended Motion was adopted as follows:
The Council believes the proposals of the Coalition Government and Boundary Commission with regard to amendments to the Representation of the People Act, notably the scheme to reduce the present Parliamentary representation and the recommendation to alter voter registration from a compulsory household identification to a US style individual voluntary registration on the electoral roll will undermine democratic representation in Oxford.
Council invites the Executive to:-
(a) Conclude, on reviewing the recommendations, that reducing the number of MPs to exactly 600 will mean that the local character and opinions of the electorate will be less well represented, with respect for the boundaries of actually existing communities taking second place to mathematics based on a predetermined size of the House of Commons;
(b) Conclude that the proposal to move to individual voluntary registration will means that large numbers of poor and vulnerable voters will drop off the electoral register in Oxford and could mean up to 10 million voters nationally will no longer be on the electoral rolls,
and, depending upon the Executive’s conclusion, to write to the Boundary Commission and the Coalition Government Minister proposing that the changes to the existing legislation do not proceed.
(6) Cornmarket Notice Board – (Proposer – Councillor Nuala Young, Seconder – Councillor Matt Morton)
This Council believes that the new rules on leaflet distribution in the City Centre will restrict small voluntary and campaigning organisations who don’t have charitable status and aren’t religious or political from distributing leaflets, stifling their ability to promote fundraising events, public meetings and other activities.
Council therefore invites the Executive to resolve to assist these smaller voluntary and campaigning organisations by providing free a public notice board in Cornmarket similar to those near Oxford Brookes where groups can display posters.
Councillor Sajjad Malik declared a personal interest as he was a licensed badgeholder for the distribution of leaflets.
Following a debate, Council voted and the Motion was not adopted.
(7) Health and Social Care Bill – (Proposer – Councillor David Williams, Seconder – councillor Dick Wolff)
Oxford City Council believes the Health and Social Care Bill currently before Parliament and in the House of Lords will:
- Significantly increase the portion of Oxfordshire NHS owned and operated in the interests of profit-making corporations.
- Increase costs, fragment services and reduce the quality of care.
- Lead to the closure of NHS hospitals in Oxfordshire.
- Dismantle vital cooperative relationships built over many years.
- Force drastic change on an organisation which requires stability.
- Create increased transaction costs and profits at the expense of patient care.
- Give powers to the Oxfordshire Clinical Consortia to deny care, close services, introduce charges and top-up fees and sell private insurance.
- Remove the Secretary of State’s duty to provide a Health Service free at the point of use.
- Leave Oxfordshire NHS unprotected against the full impact of European Union competition laws by removing the public service exclusion clause.
- Remove the cap on the number of private patients NHS Hospitals in Oxfordshire can treat, thus denying care to NHS patients
For these reasons this Council resolves to ask the Chief Executive to write forthwith to the Government spokesperson in the House of Lords to consider these issues and decide to:-
(a) Call upon all members of the House of Lords, regardless of Party affiliation, to reject the Health and Social Care Bill;
(b) Explore the reasons behind the British Medical Association and the Royal College of Nurses opposition to this Bill;
(c) Take into account the general level of opposition by the public to the privatisation of the NHS.
Councillor Joe McManners declared a personal interest as he was a General Practitioner.
Councillor Ben Lloyd-Shogbesan declared a personal interest as he was an employee of the National Health Service.
Councillor William’s Motion on Notice was not considered as the time allowed by the Constitution for Motions on Notice had lapsed.
(8) Means tests for Councillors – (Proposer – Councillor Stuart Craft)
This Council agrees that Councillors with an annual household income exceeding £75,000 have no need to claim their allowance and that this money would be better spent in the interests of the City’s Council Tax payers.
With this in mind, Council agrees to set up a Committee to decide the details of a system of means testing for City Councillors in order to remove the allowance from those councillors with annual incomes exceeding £75,000.
Council requests that those Councillors currently falling into this category voluntarily give up their allowance until a formal system is introduced.
Council also agrees to request that City Councillors who are also County Councillors put forward a motion to the same ends to the County Council.
Councillor Stuart Craft’s Motion on Notice was not considered as the time allowed by the Constitution for Motions on Notice had lapsed.
(9) Resignation of the City Council Leader – (Proposer – Councillor Stuart Craft)
Oxford City Council has engaged in transactions resulting in public land being sold to Oxford Brookes University. Council has also decided a major planning application by Brookes that received a large amount of opposition from local residents.
Council understands that it would be perfectly reasonable for members of the public to conclude that the Leader of Oxford City Council, Bob Price, has a conflict of interest when dealing with Oxford Brookes as he is a Director at the university.
With this in mind Council agrees, to remove the Leader from office as provided for in paragraph 1.4(c) of the Constitution.
Councillor Stuart Craft’s Motion on Notice was not considered as the time allowed by the Constitution for Motions on Notice had lapsed.
(10) Temple Cowley and Blackbird Leys Pools – (Proposer – Councillor Stuart Craft)
Councillor Nuala Young declared a personal interest as her husband now used Temple Cowley Pool.
If the current plans for a new swimming pool at Blackbird Leys were to go ahead, the land at Temple Cowley along with playing fields (and mature trees) in Blackbird Leys will be lost – probably forever.
As councillors we are entrusted to safeguard the City’s assets for future generations.
With this in mind, this Council asks the Executive to put plans for a new swimming pool at Blackbird Leys on hold until:
(a) An alternative source of funding becomes available other than the proposed funds from the sale of Temple Cowley Pool.
(b) An alternative site for the new pool, which does not encroach on existing playing fields or have a negative effect on neighbouring residents’ lives, is found.
Councillor Stuart Craft’s Motion on Notice was not considered as the time allowed by the Constitution for Motions on Notice had lapsed.
(11) Oxford Transport Strategy and Motorcycles – (Proposer – Councillor Stuart Craft)
Oxfordshire County Council’s Transport Strategy fails to address the benefits of motorcycle use as an alternative to the car.
Motorcycles can be a cheap alternative to cars for commuters who live off the main bus routes. Motorcycles take up less road space than cars and can fit through smaller gaps which keeps traffic flowing.
Modern bikes are very fuel efficient and are subject to more emission controls (within the EU) than cars. As motorcycles spend less time stationary than other vehicles the engines also run more efficiently.
With this in mind, this Council agrees to write to the County Council encouraging councillors to investigate initiatives that would encourage more motorcycle usage across the county.
Councillor Stuart Craft’s Motion on Notice was not considered as the time allowed by the Constitution for Motions on Notice had lapsed.
(12) Language Schools – (Proposer – Councillor Nuala Young, Seconder – Councillor David Williams)
Councillor Nuala Young declared a personal interest as she refused to take language school students on guided tours.
This Council believes that occasional meeting between police representatives and the Oxford language schools reflected in the ‘Language Summit’ need to be formalised on a regular basis and the range of issues discussed widened to include not only security but the behaviour and wellbeing of summer school students .
The Council will seek to re-establish the original ‘Language School Forum’ with full Council officer support. The Forum will seek to bring together all summer school and EFL providers with the intention of establishing a ‘Code of Conduct’ on a range of issues to guide the operation of language school groups and their activities in the City environment and to create a set of quality standards for foreign students studying in the City for short periods of time. A report on how a revived Language School Forum could be reconstituted with the agreed objectives and incorporating all interested parties should be brought to the City Executive Board in the late autumn.
Councillor Ruth Wilkinson moved an amendment: as follows:
(i) In Line 1: replace “believes” with “notes”
(ii) In lines 2 and 3: replace “reflected in the Language Summit needs to be” with “have been”
(iii) In line 5: at the end, insert “,and in particular, crowding in public places and on public transport, alcohol and litter in parks, noise nuisance and low level antisocial behaviour, the vulnerability of language students and the need for better knowledge of cultural difference.”
(iv) In line 6: at the beginning, insert paragraph: “Council notes that language schools contribute to the economic and cultural wellbeing of Oxford and boost its international reputation”.
(v) In line 6: replace “The Council will seek to re-establish the original ‘Language School Forum’ with full Council support. The Forum will seek to bring together all summer school and EFL providers with the intention of establishing” with “Council further notes that the multi-agency group consisting of representatives from the police, City Council, bus companies, language schools and members is seeking to establish”
(vi) In lines 12-16: replace “A report on how a revived Language School Forum could be reconstituted with the agreed objectives and incorporating all interested parties should be brought to the City Executive Board in late autumn” with “Council requests that a copy of the action plan agreed by the multi-agency group is made available to all members and is monitored by the Communities and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee.”
The mover of the substantive Motion, Councillor Nuala Young accepted the amendment and following a debate, Council voted and the amended Motion was adopted as follows:
This Council notes that occasional meetings between police representatives and the Oxford language schools have been formalised on a regular basis and the range of issues discussed widened to include not only security but the behaviour and well-being of summer school students, and in particular, crowding in public places and on public transport, alcohol and litter in parks, noise nuisance and low level antisocial behaviour, the vulnerability of language students and the need for better knowledge of cultural differences.
Council notes that language schools contribute to the economic and well-being of Oxford and boost its international reputation. Council further notes that a multi-agency group consisting of representatives from the police, City Council, bus companies, language schools and members is seeking to establish a ‘code of conduct’ on a range of issues to guide the operation of language school groups and their activities in the City environment and to create a set of quality standards for foreign students studying in the city for short periods of time.
Council requests that a copy of the action plan agreed by this multi-agency group is made available to all members and is monitored by the Community and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee.
(13) Autumn Revised Budget – (Proposer – Councillor David Williams, Seconder Councillor Matt Morton)
With surpluses in reserves now in excess of £5.2 million, the Council believes that now is the time to reassess the Annual budget for 2011- 2012 with a mid term Budget Review with appropriate amendments to the Councils spending plans.
Oxford City Council adopts the amended budget as set out below. The Council will retain £3.4 million as a prudent reserve and spend £1.8 million on the identified themes as set out below within the remaining financial year.
Councillors Mohammed Niaz Abbasi, Mohammed Altaf-Khan, Shah Jahan-Khan and Sajjad Malik declared personals interests as they were associated with the hackney carriage and private hire licensed trade.
Councillor Bob Price declared on behalf of all the Members on the City Executive Board, personal interests as they had been part of the Administration that had set the budget in February 2011.
Councillor Stephen Brown declared on behalf of all Members of the Liberal Democrat Group, personal interests as they may in the future be part of an Administration that sets the Council’s budget.
£1000's |
2011/12 |
2012/13 |
2013/14 |
2014/15 |
(half year) |
Additional Savings |
Limit SRA allowance on CEB to five Councillors and reduce remainder by £2k each |
-22.5 |
-45 |
-45 |
-45 |
Further energy savings and income from grants and advice to external organisations |
0 |
-10 |
-10 |
-15 |
Increase parking charges in line with inflation (2% more than assumed in base budget) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Increase taxi licensing fees in line with inflation (2% more than assumed in base) |
0 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
Increase Planning fees in line with inflation (2% more than assumed in base) |
0 |
-3 |
-3 |
-3 |
Increase Licensing fees in line with inflation (2% more than assumed in base) |
0 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
Revise down senior staff no.s/salaries to reflect reduced budgets & responsibilities |
-50 |
-200 |
-200 |
-200 |
Abandon sale of St Clement Car Park |
0 |
-60 |
-60 |
-60 |
Increase incomes from property by 0.5% over 4 years |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
income from solar feedin tariff |
-10 |
-40 |
-40 |
-40 |
Take out £1500 per member in exchange for area cttee budget |
-36 |
-72 |
-72 |
-72 |
Total additional savings |
-118.5 |
-453 |
-453 |
-458 |
Cumulative additional savings |
-118.5 |
-571.5 |
-1024.5 |
-1482.5 |
Additional costs |
Additional pru borrowing costs on lost capital receipt from St Clements car park |
115 |
224 |
219 |
213 |
additional part-time sustainability officer |
10 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
reinstate area committee budgets, area planning & staffing |
101 |
202 |
202 |
202 |
Prudential borrowing on other capital investment of £500k |
25 |
49 |
48 |
46 |
keep Temple Cowley Pool open |
113 |
159 |
159 |
159 |
reinstate free green waste collection |
74.5 |
214 |
279 |
279 |
new fund-raising officer |
25 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
Total additional costs |
463.5 |
918 |
977 |
969 |
Net effect on budget in-year |
345 |
465 |
524 |
511 |
Cumulative effect on budget |
345 |
810 |
1334 |
1845 |
Alternative budget transfer to/(from) reserves |
-345 |
-465 |
-524 |
-511 |
Alternative Budget Net Budget Requirement |
0 |
0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Green Group amendment to Capital Budget |
2011/12 |
2012/13 |
2013/14 |
2014/15 |
£000'S |
£000'S |
£000'S |
£000'S |
28,777 |
13,677 |
13,480 |
12,295 |
Pool extn to BBL leisure centre |
7,365 |
500 |
0 |
0 |
Rephasing of buildings refurbishment programme (5 years not 4) |
500 |
500 |
500 |
buildings & energy improvements to Temple Cowley Pools & Gym |
3,000 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
investment in solar array (s) on Council buildings |
500 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
24,912 |
12,677 |
12,980 |
11,795 |
28,777 |
13,677 |
13,480 |
12,295 |
Savings |
Savings in Prudential borrowing re competion pool |
-7000 |
Savings in use of capital receipts re competion pool |
-365 |
-500 |
Savings in use of capital receipts rephasing of refurbishment |
-500 |
-500 |
-500 |
Additions |
Additional prudential borrowing re solar arrays |
500 |
Additional prundetial borrowing re Temple Cowley Pool |
3000 |
24,912 |
12,677 |
12,980 |
11,795 |
Councillor David Williams moved an amendment: to replace the financial information with the following:
£1000's |
2011/12 |
2012/13 |
2013/14 |
2014/15 |
(half year) |
Additional Savings |
Limit SRA allowance on CEB to five Councillors and reduce remainder by £2k each |
-22.5 |
-45 |
-45 |
-45 |
Further energy savings and income from grants and advice to external organisations |
0 |
-10 |
-10 |
-15 |
Increase parking charges in line with inflation (2% more than assumed in base budget) |
-75 |
-150 |
-150 |
-150 |
Increase taxi licensing fees in line with inflation (2% more than assumed in base) |
0 |
-13 |
-13 |
-13 |
Increase Planning fees in line with inflation (2% more than assumed in base) |
0 |
-3 |
-3 |
-3 |
Increase Licensing fees in line with inflation (2% more than assumed in base) |
0 |
-10 |
-10 |
-10 |
Revise down senior staff no.s/salaries to reflect reduced budgets & responsibilities |
-50 |
-200 |
-200 |
-200 |
Abandon sale of St Clement Car Park |
0 |
-60 |
-60 |
-60 |
Increase incomes from property by 0.5% over 4 years |
0 |
-50 |
-100 |
-150 |
income from solar feedin tariff |
-10 |
-40 |
-40 |
-40 |
Take out £1500 per member in exchange for area cttee budget |
-36 |
-72 |
-72 |
-72 |
Total additional savings |
-193.5 |
-653 |
-703 |
-758 |
Cumulative additional savings |
-193.5 |
-846.5 |
-1549.5 |
-2307.5 |
Additional costs |
Additional pru borrowing costs on lost capital receipt from St Clements car park |
115 |
224 |
219 |
213 |
additional part-time sustainability officer |
10 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
reinstate area committee budgets, area planning & staffing |
101 |
202 |
202 |
202 |
Prudential borrowing on other capital investment of £500k |
25 |
49 |
48 |
46 |
keep Temple Cowley Pool open |
113 |
159 |
159 |
159 |
reinstate free green waste collection |
74.5 |
214 |
279 |
279 |
new fund-raising officer |
25 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
Total additional costs |
463.5 |
918 |
977 |
969 |
Net effect on budget in-year |
270 |
265 |
274 |
211 |
Cumulative effect on budget |
270 |
535 |
809 |
1020 |
Alternative budget transfer to/(from) reserves |
-270 |
-265 |
-274 |
-211 |
Alternative Budget Net Budget Requirement |
0 |
0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
General Fund Working Balances |
1st April |
4,427 |
4,973 |
4,135 |
3,492 |
Approved Transfers to (From) working balances (Feb 11) |
816 |
-573 |
-369 |
-610 |
Additional transfer to (from) working balance - Green proposals |
-270 |
-265 |
-274 |
-211 |
Working Balances as at 31st March |
4,973 |
4,135 |
3,492 |
2,671 |
Green Group amendment to Capital Budget |
2011/12 |
2012/13 |
2013/14 |
2014/15 |
£000'S |
£000'S |
£000'S |
£000'S |
28,777 |
13,677 |
13,480 |
12,295 |
Pool extn to BBL leisure centre |
7,365 |
500 |
0 |
0 |
Rephasing of buildings refurbishment programme (5 years not 4) |
500 |
500 |
500 |
buildings & energy improvements to Temple Cowley Pools & Gym |
3,000 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
investment in solar array (s) on Council buildings |
500 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
24,912 |
12,677 |
12,980 |
11,795 |
28,777 |
13,677 |
13,480 |
12,295 |
Savings |
Savings in Prudential borrowing re competion pool |
-7000 |
Savings in use of capital receipts re competion pool |
-365 |
-500 |
Savings in use of capital receipts rephasing of refurbishment |
-500 |
-500 |
-500 |
Additions |
Additional prudential borrowing re solar arrays |
500 |
Additional prundetial borrowing re Temple Cowley Pool |
3000 |
24,912 |
12,677 |
12,980 |
11,795 |
Councillor David Williams Motion on Notice was not considered as the time allowed by the Constitution for Motions on Notice had lapsed.
(14) National Planning Framework – (Proposer – Councillor David Williams)
With the Coalition Government launching a consultative period on changes to planning requirements for land development under a new National Planning Policy Framework Oxford City Council would seek to input to that consultation by making the following comment:
The key to new housing development rests with general economic development and change not deregulation. This obvious conclusion was accepted by both the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Parties prior to the last election and neither party proposed radical changes to planning policies. There is therefore no popular mandate for these changes
This Council supports the stance taken by the Campaign for Rural England, the National Trust and the RSPB that revision of the protection of the most fertile farmland as identified in the original Open Green Space Planning Document by a revised code that suggests (paragraph 167) ‘Local Authorities should take into account the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land’ is a retrograde step and will effectively lead to a free for all of development on prime agricultural land.
This Council believes that the existing requirements on developers have been built up over many generations to provide a balance between the need to meet housing need and the duty to protect the environment. The structure as it is already provides a positive range of opportunities and great flexibility for developers and to abandon controls that have worked will only lead to further erosion of the Green Belt and green space availability.
The presumptions within the new proposals will shift the emphasis in planning from developing brownfield sites first in preference to prime Greenfield sites. This will mean not only loss of countryside areas but will also undermine urban redevelopment.
Oxford City Council believes that there is an intrinsic value to Greenfield sites not only aesthetically best quality agricultural land will play a critical part in sustainable development providing food in a world of global pressures from climate change and population growth
At the heart of the framework is the weak definition of sustainable development which emphasises the primacy of business and housing development over almost all considerations. Oxford City Council believes, not withstanding having an approved Core Strategy, there will be increased pressures on Oxford's green open spaces, transport system and community facilities from developers being able to suggest that virtually any project is sustainable.
Oxford City Council believes that there is an intrinsic value to Greenfield sites not only aesthetically but because best quality agricultural land will play a critical part in sustainable development providing food in a world of global pressures from climate change and population growth. The Oxford Green Belt also needs strong protection to provide a unique setting to this important historic City.
Oxford City Council calls on the Government not to implement the changes envisaged in the consultative National Planning Framework Document.
Councillor David William’s Motion on Notice was not considered as the time allowed by the Constitution for Motions on Notice had lapsed.
(15) Diversity of the Local High Street – (Proposer – Councillor Ruth Wilkinson)
Council notes:
Oxford Residents and traders have expressed concern about the need for a variety of shops in the City Centre, our District Centres and in local neighbourhoods.
Diverse shopping areas, with a healthy representation of small traders, can form an integral part of the social fabric of local communities;
The competitive environment of the high street increasingly tends to produce generic streets populated by chain stores, resulting in “Clone Towns”;
The Localism Bill is designed to give more powers to local councils and local people to shape their neighbourhoods;
Liberal Democrat parliamentarians have tabled an amendment to the Localism Bill – “The Cambridge Amendment” (153AKC)– that would allow councils and the local community to protect the diversity of the local high street by giving councils a new power to take into account whether the business is “independent” or “multiple”.
Labour parliamentarians have tabled an amendment (153AKA) that requires councils to adopt a sequential, “town centre first” approach to development of retail sites in order to stop retail diversity in town centres being harmed by out-of-town developments.
Council requests the Leader to write to both City MPs and to the leaders of all political parties in the House of Lords, asking that they support both these amendments to the Localism Bill.
Councillor Ruth Wilkinson’s Motion on Notice was not considered as the time allowed by the Constitution for Motions on Notice had lapsed.
(16) Carbon Footprint – (Proposer – Councillors Jean Fooks and Michael Gotch)
Council welcomes the excellent progress that Oxford City Council is making towards reducing the carbon footprint of its own buildings and operations.
However, many planning applications for new buildings or extensions pay no regard to the need to reduce carbon emissions and thereby help to slow climate change. As one-third of UK energy consumption is used in buildings, to heat, cool or light them, it is imperative that we make every effort to reduce this, leading to reduced costs as well as reduced carbon emissions.
Council therefore asks the Planning Department to remind all applicants of the need to minimise the energy use of their buildings and request that information is provided on the estimated carbon emissions of the proposed buildings. This information should be included in Committee reports.
Council further asks the Executive Board member to ensure that all possible steps are taken to make Oxford a leading authority in this respect, before such measures become compulsory in a few years’ time.
Councillors Jeans Fooks and Michael Gotch’s Motion on Notice was not considered as the time allowed by the Constitution for Motions on Notice had lapsed.
Supporting documents: