Agenda item
Consultation response to the Oxfordshire Transport Strategy
- Meeting of Special, City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019), Monday 27 April 2015 9.00 am (Item 175.)
- View the background to item 175.
The Executive Director for City Regeneration and Housing has submitted a report which advises the City Executive Board of the response of the City Council to the County Council’s Draft Oxford Transport Strategy and Local Transport Plan 4
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board note the response of the City Council to the County Council’s Draft Oxford Transport Strategy and Local Transport Plan 4.
The Executive Director for City Regeneration and Housing submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which advised the City Executive Board of the response of the City Council to the County Council’s draft Oxford Transport Strategy and Local Transport Plan 4.
Cllr Tanner, Board member for Cleaner, Greener Oxford, Climate Change and Transport presented the report. He explained the City had common ground with the County to reduce traffic congestion in the City however the City disagreed on several of the suggestions made, especially the Rapid Transport buses down Cowley and London roads and the County ruling out trams in Oxford. There is also the immediate needs affecting the roads in the city, eg parked cars blocking cycle lanes and gridlocked roads
The City’s submission promotes the needs of cyclists and pedestrians in the strategy and the continual need for an on-going dialogue with the County Council.
Cllr Lygo explained that on-going discussions with schools and the hospitals in north east Oxford needed to take place to enable more cycling provisions.
Cllr Fooks said that the County and City Councils’ stances appeared to be more confrontational rather than conversational. She outlined the following Liberal Democrat Group’s comments to the submission:
· Cycling needs to be a priority in the strategy and should include improving the roads surface of cycling lanes.
· The City’s submission relies on urban extensions taking place which haven’t been agreed yet.
· Queried the capacity of the streets to cope with more buses
· Would like to see a Rail Park n Ride from the new Oxford Parkway railway station.
· Important to work with the business community.
· Getting in and out of Oxford fast – does it have to be via car?
· Northern Gateway, transport proposals are not adequate to allow for through traffic to move quickly.
Cllr Sinclair said the need for controlled parking zones (CPZs) was increasing across the city and the cost of public transport was too high, making driving into the city more affordable and convenient for most.
The Director for City Regeneration and Housing explained that the City’s submission reflected the needs of a growing city. The two universities understood the need to grow to continue to attract worldwide research. The analysis and evidence based figures in the submission outlined who is travelling into Oxford. People living further away from their place of employment need frequent and viable alternatives to car transportation to encourage them to change their commuting habits. A dialogue with the city’s bus companies is needed to prioritise road space and encourage less car traffic.
Cllr Price made the following summary:
- This is our first opportunity to discuss options, more on-going dialogue with the County Council is needed.
- Commuting is Oxford’s biggest transport problem.
- More housing closer to the city needs to be made available – to enable people to travel by bicycle, bus or walk to work
- Rail is not adequately addressed in the strategy, commuting patterns could significantly change in the future
- Creating safer, segregated cycle path will increase cycling rates in the city.
The legal representative mentioned that contrary to paragraph 7 in the report, this issue is an executive decision and does not need to go to Council; however the Board agreed they wished for the item to be debated in Council in July.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
NOTE the response of the City Council to the County Council’s draft Oxford Transport Strategy and Local Transport Plan 4.
Continue to discuss with Oxfordshire County Council the future needs and traffic priorities of the City’s transport infrastructure.
Supporting documents:
Report_ Consultation response to the Oxfordshire Transport Strategy, item 175.
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