Agenda item

Agenda item

Fusion Lifestyle - Contract Performance 2013/2014

Contact Officer: Ian Brook, Head of Leisure, Parks and Communities

Tel 01865 252705,


Background Information


Committee has asked to consider performance against the standards and targets set with in the Fusion Lifestyle Contract. 

Why is it on the agenda?


The report for the year 2013/2014 is attached.  At the last consideration of this members asked in particular to consider Leisure Centre usage and the engagement in all leisure activities across the City with a particular focus on improved engagement of residents from our most deprived wards.

Who has been invited to comment?


Ian Brook, Head of Leisure, Parks and Communities




The Head of Leisure, Parks and Communities submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which provided a performance update of the city’s leisure management contract with Fusion Lifestyle 2013/14.


 Councillor Rowley, Board Member for Leisure Contracts and Community Partnership Grants; and the Leisure & Performance Manager presented the report to the Committee. They highlighted that:

·         the financial subsidy that the Council pays per user to fusion with be zero by 2016/17. 

·         Participation levels are levelling off – this may be due to the Blackbird Leys leisure centre yet to fully open and the gradual shift from people in Cowley using other facilities causing participation rates to  even out.

·         Continue to monitor quality and customer satisfaction through the use of a quality framework. 96% of users surveyed satisfied but how many feel we deliver an excellent service?

·         The Council has a positive relationship with Fusion.


Jane Alexander spoke on the report. She was concerned about the transparency of the report and requested that the confidential appendix be made public because if Council ran the leisure centres directly than the financial figures would be publically available. She felt the report did not give enough information on participation rates or customer satisfaction for the committee to fully understand the performance of Fusion.


The Committee raised the following points:

·         Is it true that Council offers a commercial loan to Fusion with below market rate terms? Officers were not aware of a commercial loan being given to Fusion. Fusion might have received an energy efficient grant to invest in the buildings (which are council owned). Officers to report back to the Committee in September with the exact details.

·         Poor performance was addressed through regular client meetings between Council officers and Fusion.

·         Queried the need for the confidential appendix as it was agree at the June meeting in 2013 that the running costs of the facilities would be shown including all capital investment and loan cost in the next report.

·         The images used in the Active Woman campaign were considered to be too stereotypical and gender biased.  The officer stated that this was a national campaign run by Sports England and so the influence the Committee could have was probably limited. 

·         Are workers being paid the Oxford Living Wage? – Yes

·         Is the energy efficiency of the BBL pool going to be better than the Temple Cowley one? The pool has been designed to maximise solar heating and the expectation is that it will be one of the most energy efficient pools in the county.

·         Will BME women be offered the same classes at BBL’s as they currently get at Temple Cowley. Yes – the timetable will be the same.


The Committee resolved


1.    To see the issues raised and the actions/penalties taken by Fusion over the last year for poor performance.   


2.    That officers take the issue of stereotypical and gender biased campaign images in the Active Woman campaign to Sports England and report the outcome back to the Committee.  


3.    To see any information the Council has on the views and experiences of non-card users


4.    To see more detailed data and information  on failing attendance rates amongst young people , so as to understand more fully the reasons behind it and whether it was a particular set of circumstances or a trend.  


5.    That officers reconsider the need to publicly exclude the running costs to the Council of each leisure facility with Fusion and let them know the outcome.   


6.    That officers report back to the Committee in September with the exact details of any additional financial assistance or grants given to Fusion lifestyle in the last year.



Supporting documents: