Agenda item

Agenda item

110 - 120 Botley Road: 14/00067/FUL

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details a planning application to demolish the existing retail store and redevelop the site with replacement retail store, together with 148 car parking spaces, remodelled access arrangements, cycle parking, landscaping and boundary treatment.


Officer recommendation: That the Committee APPROVE the planning application subject to the following conditions:


1          Development begun within time limit      

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans    

3          Materials       

4          Archaeology - evaluation  

5          Method statement for demolition  

6          Landscape plan required  

7          Landscaping to be carried out by completion    

8          Landscape hard surface design - tree roots      

9          Landscape underground services - tree roots   

10        Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 1        

11        Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 1          

12        Flood mitigation measures            

13        Maintenance of Bulstake Stream banks            

14        Access to Bulstake Stream           

15        Further Site Contamination Assessment required       

16        Remediation Strategy        

17        Unexpected contamination           

18        Scheme to dispose of surface water       

19        Noise limit of plant  

20        SuDS compliant hardsurfacing   

21        Construction Environmental Management Plan required      

22        Construction Traffic Management Plan required         

23        Sustainability measures to be incorporated as set out in Energy Statement           

24        Boundary treatments in accordance with details submitted   

25        Works to highway/verge outside ownership required prior to occupation

26        Cycle parking required      

27        Parking laid out prior to occupation         

28        Hours of opening    

29        Delivery and servicing plan required      

30        External Lighting only as agreed

31        Ecological recommendations to be carried out as set out in Ecological Survey

32        Travel Plan required           

33        No retail use of storage/office/warehouse elements    

34        Removal of A1 PD rights and no additional mezzanine floors

35        Landscape management plan required

36        Public Art


Councillor Cook left the room for this item.


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated now appended) which detailed a planning application to demolish the existing retail store and redevelop the site with replacement retail store, together with 148 car parking spaces, remodelled access arrangements, cycle parking, landscaping and boundary treatment.


The Planning Officer outlined a further objection from Doric Properties who had requested the application be deferred. Officers do not feel the reasons suggested warrant deferral and recommend that the Committee determine the application.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, the Committee noted that Lois Muddiman and Councillor Susanna Pressel spoke against the application and Adam Pyrke (Colliers International (Planning Consultant) and James Armstrong (Waitrose) spoke in favour of it.


The following issues were discussed:

·         The Highways Authority (HA) does not consider banning right turning vehicles necessary as there is a right turning lane available on Botley Road.

·         There is a central reservation in the middle of Botley Road for pedestrians to cross safely but the nearest pelican pedestrian crossing is further away. The Committee felt that in the interest of safety a pedestrian crossing should be built adjacent to the development (condition 37).  This will require the approval of the HA.

·         The Committee cannot condition that goods are delivered in smaller lorries (as part of condition 29) as it is unenforceable, however an informative is possible.

·         The cycle lane along Botley Road will be improved with the intention being that cyclists have right of way.

·         The development already includes more cycle parking than the Council’s policy requires.

·         An open mesh fence is suggested to protect the vegetation and stream along the boundary, the committee would like officers to re-consider the type of fence.

·         The Committee cannot force a speed limit in a private carpark.

·         The noise and fumes from the air conditioning unit are covered under condition 19.


The Committee resolved to APPROVE the planning application subject to the following conditions and informative:



1          Development begun within time limit      

2          Develop in accordance with approved plans    

3          Materials       

4          Archaeology - evaluation  

5          Method statement for demolition  

6          Landscape plan required  

7          Landscaping to be carried out by completion    

8          Landscape hard surface design - tree roots      

9          Landscape underground services - tree roots   

10        Tree Protection Plan (TPP) 1        

11        Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) 1          

12        Flood mitigation measures            

13        Maintenance of Bulstake Stream banks            

14        Access to Bulstake Stream           

15        Further Site Contamination Assessment required       

16        Remediation Strategy        

17        Unexpected contamination           

18        Scheme to dispose of surface water       

19        Noise limit of plant  

20        SuDS compliant hardsurfacing   

21        Construction Environmental Management Plan required      

22        Construction Traffic Management Plan required         

23        Sustainability measures to be incorporated as set out in Energy Statement           

24        Boundary treatments details to be agreed.

25        Works to highway/verge outside ownership required prior to occupation

26        Cycle parking required      

27        Parking laid out prior to occupation         

28        Hours of opening    

29        Delivery and servicing plan required      

30        External Lighting only as agreed

31        Ecological recommendations to be carried out as set out in Ecological Survey

32        Travel Plan required           

33        No retail use of storage/office/warehouse elements    

34        Removal of A1 PD rights and no additional mezzanine floors

35        Landscape management plan required

36        Public Art

37        No occupation for retail purposes until pedestrian crossing across Botley Road is built in the immediate vicinity of the frontage of the development.



That the applicant considers as part of the delivery plan, using smaller lorries to transport goods from the warehouse to the store.

Supporting documents: