Agenda item

Agenda item

Former Ruskin College, Walton Street: 13/00832/FUL & 13/01075/LBD

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details a planning application to redevelop the existing student accommodation and teaching site comprising the demolition of all buildings, with exception of the 1913 Ruskin College facade to Walton Street and Worcester Place, and erection of 90 student study rooms, 3 Fellows/Staff residential rooms, teaching facilities, library archive social space, landscaping and associated works.


External alterations involving demolition of south and west facades of 1913 building, demolition of 1930s, 1960s and 1980s extensions and removal of existing roof. Erection of 4 storey extension to provide 90 student study bedrooms, 3 Fellows/staff residential rooms, teaching/lecture facilities, library archive and social space. Erection of replacement roof. Alterations to window openings, insertion of replacement windows and new gates to front elevation.


Officer recommendation: That the Committee APPROVE the planning application but defer the listed building consent application for referral to the Government Office and to delegate to officers the issuing of the decision notice after the application has been cleared by the Government Office or 28 days expires without the Secretary of State either directing that the application be referred to him or giving notice that he requires further time to consider making such a direction, subject to the following conditions:



  1. Development begun within time limit
  2. Develop in accordance with approved plans
  3. Samples in Conservation Area
  4. Landscape plan required
  5. Landscape carry out by completion
  6. Variation of Road Traffic Order – Walton Street/Walton Place
  7. Construction Traffic Management Plan
  8. SUDS drainage
  9. Cycle parking provision
  10. Archaeology – Implementation of programme +historic Civic War remains
  11. Secure by Design
  12. Bat and bird boxes
  13. Site Management Plan – 24 hour supervision of students, deliveries and use of roof terrace and lecture hall
  14. Students – no cars
  15. Flood Risk Assessment
  16. Sustainable design/construction
  17. No felling, lopping or cutting
  18. Privacy measures for roof terrace
  19. Details of external lights
  20. Tree protection measures
  21. Details of insulation for multi-purpose hall



1.         Commencement of works LB/CAC consent      

2.         LB/CAC consent - approved plans          

3.         7 days notice to LPA          

4.         1 months notice to EH       

5.         LB notice of completion     

6.         Further large scale construction details required (including windows, doors, eaves rainwater goods, abutments, parapets etc.) 

7.         Demolition and wall facade retention methodology     

8.         Architectural Recording     

9.         Materials - samples

10.       Materials - sample panels

11.       Setting aside/reinstatement of features


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated now appended) which detailed a planning application to redevelop the existing student accommodation and teaching site comprising the demolition of all buildings, with exception of the 1913 Ruskin College facade to Walton Street and Worcester Place, and erection of 90 student study rooms, 3 Fellows/Staff residential rooms, teaching facilities, library archive social space, landscaping and associated works.


External alterations involving demolition of south and west facades of 1913 building, demolition of 1930s, 1960s and 1980s extensions and removal of existing roof. Erection of 4 storey extension to provide 90 student study bedrooms, 3 Fellows/staff residential rooms, teaching/lecture facilities, library archive and social space. Erection of replacement roof. Alterations to window openings, insertion of replacement windows and new gates to front elevation. Late comments received from the Victorian Society, English Heritage and the Oxford Civic Society was reported to the committee. The Head of City Development confirmed that the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payable would be £60,600.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, the Committee noted that Chris Johnson, Mary Keen and Tony Joyce spoke against and William Jensen, Charles Banner and Chris Paterson spoke in favour of the application.


The Committee resolved to SUPPORT the planning application but defer the listed building consent application for referral to the Government Office and to delegate to officers the issuing of the decision notice after the application has been cleared by the Government Office or 28 days expires without the Secretary of State either directing that the application be referred to him or giving notice that he requires further time to consider making such a direction, subject to the following conditions and informatives:




1.    Development begun within time limit

2.    Develop in accordance with approved plans

3.    Samples in Conservation Area, to be agreed by committee

4.    Landscape plan required

5.    Landscape carry out by completion

6.    Variation of Road Traffic Order – Walton Street/Walton Place

7.    Construction Traffic Management Plan

8.    SUDS drainage

9.    Cycle parking provision

10.Archaeology – Implementation of programme +historic Civic War remains

11.Secure by Design

12.Bat and bird boxes

13.Site Management Plan – 24 hour supervision of students, deliveries and use of roof terrace and lecture hall

14.Students – no cars

15.Flood Risk Assessment

16.Sustainable design/construction

17.No felling, lopping or cutting

18.Privacy and noise control measures for roof terrace

19.Details of external lights

20.Tree protection measures

21.Details of insulation for multi-purpose hall

22.Details of community use of multi-purpose hall



1.    Commencement of works LB/CAC consent           

2.    LB/CAC consent - approved plans   

3.    7 days notice to LPA   

4.    1 months notice to EH            

5.    LB notice of completion          

6.    Further large scale construction details required (including windows, doors, eaves rainwater goods, abutments, parapets etc. in line with EH recommendations)      

7.    Demolition and wall facade retention methodology          

8.    Architectural Recording         

9.    Materials - samples     

10. Materials - to be agreed by committee

11. Setting aside/reinstatement of features



1.    Grey water collection

2.    Exeter College to consider offering a subsidised rate to community groups for the use of the multi-use facility.

Supporting documents: