Agenda item

Agenda item

Land west of Barton, north of A40 and south of Bayswater Brook: 13/ 01383/FUL

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which outlines an application (seeking means of access) for the erection of:


·         a maximum of 885 residential units (Class C3);

·         a maximum of 2,500 sq m gross Class A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 uses (with a maximum of 2,000 sq m gross food store Class A1);

·         a maximum of 50 extra care housing units;

·         a maximum of 7,350 sq m GEA hotel (Class C1);

·         a maximum of 3,000 sq m GEA Class D1, D2 floorspace (community hub and primary school);


in development blocks ranging from 2 to 5 storeys with associated cycle and car parking, landscaping, public realm works, interim works and associated highway works.


This report is not for determination tonight.



The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated now appended) which detailed a planning application seeking means of access for the erection of:


·         a maximum of 885 residential units (Class C3);

·         a maximum of 2,500 sq m gross Class A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 uses (with a maximum of 2,000 sq m gross food store Class A1);

·         a maximum of 50 extra care housing units;

·         a maximum of 7,350 sq m GEA hotel (Class C1);

·         a maximum of 3,000 sq m GEA Class D1, D2 floorspace (community hub and primary school);


In development blocks ranging from 2 to 5 storeys with associated cycle and car parking, landscaping, public realm works, interim works and associated highway works.


The Planning Officer explained that the planning application is an outline proposal and that if permission is granted more detailed applications for different stages of the development will come to the Committee.


The outlined proposal is controlled by conditions, parameter plans and design code.


The parameter plans consists of 6 fixed frameworks for:

           general outline of land and future roading needs

           breakdown of residential and commercial areas

           open space and landscape

           movement and access

           residential density

           building and storey height.


The design code outlines the design principles to be adopted for the primary school, width of the streets, distance between buildings etc and general design of the development.


Traffic and Access The development will be accessed by a limited access junction on the A40 with a reduced speed limit of 50mph.Work will also be done to relieve traffic congestion in Marston on Headley Way, Marston Road, Marsh Road and Cherwell Drive where the mini roundabouts will be controlled by signals. A Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) will also be created in Marston to relieve parking.


Buses to West Barton will be subsidised at first but it is envisaged will become commercial services in the future. This new route will not affect bus services in other parts of the city.



The illustrative Masterplan indicates that the recreational grounds will be shared between the new primary school and the community. The school is proposed to be built next to the communal recreational grounds to accommodate this. The school buildings will also be available for the community to use in the evenings, weekends and during school holidays. Some facilities would also be available during the school day.


A commercial centre is planned. It will have a supermarket and up to 5 other units which could be shops, cafes etc.


Water resources

Foul Water: Thames Water has commissioned a foul water impact study on the network in the vicinity and is supportive of the proposal. They determined that an attenuation system which stores the foul water in storage tanks and releases it into the existing sewerage system during quieter periods was the best solution.


Surface Water: A storage system will be used to hold surface water and release it into balancing ponds and from there into the Bayswater Brook at a controlled rate.


 Biodiversity: The proposed development with cause a loss of 11.5ha of lowland flood meadow, which contravenes the England Biodiversity Action Plan to not reduce lowland natural grassland any further. Compensation entailing improvement of similar flood meadow habitat off-site is proposed to mitigate this loss.


Changes in report:

Pg 5- Legal agreement:

6-financial contributions reduced to £519,000

13 could be provided directly to same costs 24-administration cost of £111,494 could change


Pg8 – additional comments submitted relating to cycling and urban design issues in particular


Pg12 the adult pitch would also be available during other times than stated in the report


Pg16 paragraph 32. Change to “A condition requiring the submission of an amended code to encompass the above concerns and other adjustments.. does not necessarily need to be completed before permission can be issued.

Supporting documents: