Agenda item

Agenda item

Work Programme Planning

Contact Officer: Pat Jones (Principal Scrutiny Officer), Tel 01865 252191,



Background Information


The Scrutiny Committee operates within a work programme and this now needs to be set for the year 2013-2014.


Why is it on the agenda?


This report presents the suggestions made for the work programme along with the decisions already made by the Committee on carry forward items.  Scrutiny Members now need to make their outline decisions for the rest of the programme.


Who has been invited to comment?


Pat Jones, Principal Scrutiny Officer, will present the work programme, answer questions and support the Committee in their decision making.


What will happen after the meeting?


The Programme will be drawn up in outline.




The Principal Scrutiny Officer presented a report which outlined the list of suggestions made for the Committee’s work programme for 2013/14. She outlined the operating principles of the Committee’s panels and the priority system for choosing issues to investigate. She reminded the Committee that tonight they are asked to choose the issues they want to put on their work programme and will scope the work required at a later date.


The Committee made the following comments on the topics suggested:




Street Trading and Busking in the City Centre.


Local issue - Not needed

Tracking the experience of a few families affected by Benefit Changes


Form a Panel to look into the benefit tax/ cap and it’s affect on the health of families.

Lead Cllr Smith


Allocations Policies – Are they “right” in the current circumstances and how can we communicate this better.


Has been reviewed recently.


Officers to report to committee.

Decent Homes standards where do we go from here.


Focus on estates and the practicality and public perception of the Decent Homes strategy.

Leave until completion of review, 6 months

Project for Housing Standing Panel. Lead Cllr Smith

Regeneration for the long term.  How do we do this, how do we engage people in ideas and planning, are partnership working well, are budgets sufficient for ambitions.


1. Focus on issues at a local community level happening on the estates. Ie community centres and planning.

2. Consultation/ engagement Strategy – pre scrutinise October.

Project for Housing Standing Panel. Lead Cllr Smith


The method by which the scale of new buildings and extensions is indicated in planning applications, in particular an evaluation of the agreed pilot scheme based on the practice in Swiss Cantons.


Evaluate the Pilot scheme run by City Development re showing the height/scale of proposed developments. 

Panel Lead Cllr Fry

KRM programme and the achievement of:


-          Looked after children

-          Boys

-          Pakistani background children


Have there been any knock on effects of the reading programme in


-          Borrowing from libraries

-          Attracting helpers/volunteers into schools 

An education group is already meeting.  Project not needed.

To scrutinise the satisfactions KPI on repairs and maintenance to understand why the 97% satisfaction rates does not seem to correlate with what councillors here from their constituents.  Possibly get beneath dissatisfaction and why this doesn’t come through in “official” results.


Project to be looked at by theTenants Engagement Panel.

Council Tax exemptions.  Are these being applied consistently and managed. 


Focus on whether there are significant numbers of non students claiming a student Council tax exemption.

Panel Lead Cllr Simmons.

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)


 Can be reviewed through KPI throughout year.

Not needed.



Already done – Not needed

Flooding and sewage in Northway


Greater issue of Thames Water and drainage in Oxford

How do you influence TW priorities and get onto their Investment Programme?

Report from Swindon DC re success with TW to committee?

Committee item initially – if panel formed, lead Cllr Darke

Use of social media by the Council


How can Council best use social media to improve communication with residents?

Committee item – invite Cllr Brett

How the Council provides services to students

Not needed

Supporting economic growth in the City (Covered Market panel already)

Not needed


The Committee resolved to


1.      Create a Housing Standing Panel, lead by Cllr Smith with the remit to review any housing related issues affecting the Council.


2.      Create a Finance Standing Panel, lead by Cllr Simmons and made up of Councillors Fry, Mills and Darke with the remit to review:

·        the quarterly budget reports,

·        the medium term financial strategy

·        the budget , and

·        the treasury management strategy and function. 


The Finance Standing Panel has the autonomy to make recommendations direct to City Executive Board without the Committee seeing them first.


3.      Agree to invite the Board Member for Community Safety to discuss the crime and safety issue for the programme.


4.      Decide it wished to review a set of “Service Level” performance indicators for focus. Cllrs Smith, Darke, Simmons and Mills volunteered to construct this list.


Supporting documents: