Agenda item

Agenda item

Bus travel for asylum seekers in Oxford (proposed by Cllr Alex Powell, seconded by Cllr Dianne Regisford)

Council Notes:

1.     There are an increasing number of asylum seekers being accommodated within the city, particularly in a hotel near to the Kassam Stadium.[1]

2.     Those asylum claimants who are in receipt of statutory support according to section 95 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 receive average weekly financial support equating to just £8.86 per week for those in accommodation.[2]

3.     Oxford City Council has signed up to the values of the City of Sanctuary scheme undertaking a commitment to ensure that Oxford is a safe and supportive environment for sanctuary seekers.[3]

4.     Oxfordshire County Council has also signalled its intention to become a County of Sanctuary, showcasing its own commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for people seeking sanctuary.[4]

5.     Numerous charities and organisations have drawn attention to the harms that hotel accommodation poses for asylum seekers: such as isolation from communities and resources.[5] This makes it even more important that support is accessible. 

6.     That the financial costs of travel within Oxford City make it more difficult for asylum seekers to access and engage with available sources of support.

7.     That asylum seekers have recently made representations regarding the need for free bus passes to Oxfordshire County Council.[6] 

Council Believes:

1.     That Local Authorities, at both District and County Council level, have a moral and ethical duty, to the extent to which the law allows, to advocate for and protect all residents residing within their territorial area regardless of immigration status.

2.     That access to support services should be open to all asylum seekers and should not be prohibited by transport costs.

3.     As a City of Sanctuary, Oxford City Council has a responsibility to act in a manner that promotes the safety, security and well-being of sanctuary seekers.

4.     As an aspiring County of Sanctuary, Oxfordshire County Council has a responsibility to act in a manner that promotes the safety, security and well-being of sanctuary seekers.

Council Resolves:

1.     To request that the Leader of Oxford City Council write to the Leader of Oxfordshire County Council asking for them to facilitate the use of all buses within the Oxford City area without cost for those seeking asylum.

2.     To request that the Leader of Oxford City Council issue a public statement supporting the provision of free bus travel to all asylum seekers residing within the City limits.

3.     To publicly record the Council’s support for the provision of free bus travel to all asylum seekers within Oxford City for all asylum seekers residing within Oxford City.

4. To request that the Leader of Oxford City Council write to the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Transport for the United Kingdom requesting the provision of free bus passes be provided for all asylum seekers resident in England, noting that transport for other parts of the UK is a devolved matter.



