Agenda item

Agenda item

Citizen Experience Strategy Progress Report

Cabinet, at its meeting on 10 July 2024, will consider a report from the Executive Director (Corporate Resources) providing an update on the delivery of the Citizen Experience (CEX) Strategy. Cllr Nigel Chapman, Cabinet Member for Citizen Focused Services and Council Companies, Tom Hook, Executive Director (Corporate Resources), Helen Bishop, Head of Business Improvement and Vicki Galvin, Senior Programme Manager for Customer Experience have been invited to present the report and answer questions. The Committee is asked to consider the report and agree any recommendations.


Cllr Nigel Chapman, Cabinet Member for Citizen Focused Services and Council Companies introduced the report from the Executive Director (Corporate Resources) which provided a comprehensive update on the delivery of the Citizen Experience (CEX) Strategy. An overview of the strategy was provided and the overall positive progress since its implementation was highlighted. Cllr Chapman reported some key achievements over the previous year, including the launch of the Comments, Complaints and Compliments system, the relaunch of the Resident's Panel, improvements to the Council website, and the introduction of Customer Service Officers into community larders.


Cllr Chapman drew attention to the performance of telephony and digital services which had consistently ranked within the top 10 out of 30 local authorities. Key areas of focus for 2024/25 included improving online payment services, maintaining a balance between self-service and face-to-face services, and ensuring alternative provisions for those who were digitally disadvantaged.


Helen Bishop, Head of Business Improvement added that the strategy implemented was broad in scope. Feedback would be used to improve digital access and automation with ongoing efforts made to enhance coordination within services, ensuring early intervention and proper citizen support. Overall, the strategy aimed to foster a culture that prioritised citizens and communities at the core of Council operations.


Vicki Galvin, Senior Programme Manager for Customer Experience also attended the meeting to speak to the item and answer the Committee's questions.


During discussions, the Committee noted the following:

  • Council websites historically struggled with online usability due to the constant need to improve navigation for better user experience and the ongoing development necessary to enhance features and functionality. There remained a significant challenge in the lack of online payment options for services such as bulky waste collection, which had caused frustration for users. Addressing this issue was crucial for improving the online performance ratings.
  • The Council's face-to-face services had relocated to the Westgate Library in January 2022, operating three days a week alongside Citizens Advice Oxford, and received over 400 visits per month. This service had since moved to a more defined space within Westgate Library in July 2023, with partitioned areas to ensure confidentiality and a designated waiting space. Feedback collected from service users indicated high satisfaction levels of around 90%.
  • Co-locating with Citizens Advice Oxford allowed the benefit of a more coordinated service provision: with both organisations signposting citizens to each other for real-time, specialist advice or queries.
  • A Digital Café had recently been launched at Westgate Library in partnership with the local Integrated Care Board. This aimed to alleviate digital barriers including the lack of internet connectivity and varying levels of digital skills.
  • Customer Services Officer presence had been introduced into community food larders as part of community outreach work, in recognition of the fact that not everyone wanted/was able to come into the city centre for face-to-face services.
  • A survey was conducted, in conjunction with Activate Learning in Blackbird Leys, to assess community needs in relation to digital access, leading to plans for a training course tailored to cover issues relating to access and usage, including mobile device skills and utilising digital terminals available across the city; officers were working to secure a date and location for the course.


The Committee requested an update report on the online payment system rollout, including how the system was working and any teething problems. The Committee requested that the Scrutiny Officer liaise with officers to schedule this update into the Work Plan.


The Committee noted the report; there were no recommendations.


Cllr Chapman, Cabinet Member for Citizen Focused Services and Council Companies, Helen Bishop, Head of Business Improvement and Vicki Galvin, Senior Programme Manager for Customer Experience left the meeting and did not return.


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