Agenda item

Agenda item

Report back on recommendations and from Scrutiny Panel meetings

At its meeting on 12 June 2024, Cabinet considered the following reports from Scrutiny and made responses to the recommendations:

·       Tree Management Policy 2024-2032

·       Framework for the Installation of Renewable Technologies in Council-owned Properties

·       Biodiversity Net Gain

·       Citywide Retrofit Strategy

·       Tree Planting

·       Energy Generation/Solar Potential on Council Buildings

·       Integrated Performance Report Q3 2023/24

·       Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code Self-Assessment

·       Implementation of Selective Licensing

·       Adult Exploitation

Since the Scrutiny Committee’s previous meeting on 05 June 2024, the following Panels have met:

·       Climate and Environment Panel (11 June 2024)

The Committee is asked to:

1.    Note Cabinet’s responses to its recommendations.

2.    Note any updates from Panel meetings.


Supporting documents: