Agenda item

Agenda item

Street Trading Application for Pannekoeke, Summertown Cycles

To consider the street trading application for land to the front of Summertown Cycles and reach a decision.


The Head of Planning and Regulations had submitted a report to inform the determination of a street trading application on land to the front of Summertown Cycles.


Mr Alec Leslie (applicant) and Matthew Stead, Senior Licensing Officer, joined the meeting.


The Chair explained the hearing procedures to be followed and asked all attendees to introduce themselves.


The Senior Licensing Officer presented a summary of the report, stating that the application involved a trading spot which had not be occupied previously and situated on private land. It was highlighted that Mr Leslie had written permission by the owner of Summertown Cycles to establish his business on the private land.


The Senior Licensing Officer further explained that Mr Leslie would be trading using a converted horsebox offering coffee, tea, hot chocolate, pastry and other selection of things.


It was noted that the application had been subject to a 14 day consultation in accordance to the Council policy. No responses were received in relation.


The Sub-Committee was reminded that it was required to determine the application based on the contents of the full report which had been included in the agenda pack circulated prior to the meeting.


In response to a question, the Senior Licensing Officer clarified that Mr Leslie had indeed applied to trade on private land as illustrated on page 14 of the pack.


Mr Leslie was invited to address the Sub-Committee. He thanked the panel for the opportunity to speak and proceeded to present his case. He identified a market for a coffee-focused shop in the area as current options were either chain establishments or food-centric cafes, adding that the closest local coffee shop was located at the opposite end of Summertown.


Mr Leslie indicated that his business would focus on excellent coffee and a positive working environment for all involved. He emphasised that the proposed street trading spot would be on a private land where his coffee shop would be consolidated with the local bike shop.


He informed the Sub-Committee about discussions with the shop owners in relation to how the horsebox could be integrated into the land and potential collaborations, highlighting the benefit to the local cycling community.


Mr Leslie highlighted his passion for coffee, cycling and community service, reiterating his aim to provide excellent coffee, create a positive working environment, and enhance the local setting through his coffee business.


In response to questions from the Sub-Committee, the following points were provided:

  • The horsebox would be placed on the right where a bike rack was previously situated, leaving ample room to access the shop.
  • Mr Leslie would trial the operating hours of his coffee shop, not exceeding 5pm on any given day.
  • Depending on business volume, additional staff would be employed and trained properly on food handling and hygiene.


In relation to space management, Mr Leslie expressed confidence that there was enough room for people to queue and assured that clients could not cause any obstructions on the pavement. He proposed further mitigating actions, including the use of tables and chairs.


Mr Leslie summarised by stating his intention to use a local supply of coffee and mentioned that he had already formed relationships with local businesses and community.


The Chair thanked Mr Leslie and the Senior Licensing Officer for their contributions. They were asked to leave the room while the Sub-Committee considered the application.


The Sub-Committee noted the representations made at this hearing. The Sub-Committee considered the timings requested and raised no concerns. Having considered all submissions, the Sub-Committee agreed to approve the proposed street trading application.


The Senior Licensing Officer and Mr Leslie re-joined the meeting and were informed of the Sub-Committee's decision.


The General Purposes Licensing Casework Sub-Committee resolved to:

  • Grant Mr Leslie's application until 31 March with one additional condition that tables and chairs must be locked away inside the premises or the horsebox during the hours of non-operation.
  • Grant the trading hours applied for: Monday to Saturday 0800 - 1700 and Sunday 1000 - 1500.


Mr Leslie was reminded that there is no statutory right of appeal to the Sub-Committee's decision set out above.


Supporting documents: