Agenda item
Adult Exploitation
Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting on 04 July 2023, requested a report on Adult Exploitation. Cllr Mark Lygo, Cabinet Member for Safer and Inclusive Communities and Nicola Bell, Anti-Slavery Coordinator Oxfordshire have been invited to present the report and answer questions. The Committee is asked to consider the report and agree any recommendations.
Cllr Mark Lygo, Cabinet Member for Safer and Inclusive Communities introduced the report from the Anti-Slavery Coordinator Oxfordshire which provided an update on the prevalence of adult exploitation and modern slavery and the partnership work being undertaken to address this. He highlighted that in partnership with the other Oxfordshire councils and with funding through the Community Safety Fund from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, the new role of Anti-Slavery Coordinator Oxfordshire (ASCO) was introduced in January 2022, and that the Council was fortunate to have Nicola Bell, Anti-Slavery Coordinator Oxfordshire in post.
He drew the Committee’s attention to the central recording system, developed for collection of relevant data that ensured a greater understanding of the prevalence of exploitation and modern slavery, which enabled a focused, targeted approach to support potential victims. He emphasised that the partnership included working with over 50 partners in the city, which included 80 multi-agency meetings and 30 multi-agency joint visits/operations, and the positive outcomes of these were detailed within the report.
Nicola Bell, Anti-Slavery Coordinator Oxfordshire and Richard Adams, Community Safety Service Manager, attended the meeting to speak to the item and answered the Committee’s questions.
Cllr Mohammad Altaf-Khan joined the meeting.
During discussion, the Committee noted the following:
· Of the brothels issued with Closure Orders, those victims had been offered support and assistance. It was thought that they were now out of that exploitation as their names had not come up as part of the joint work taking place with agencies across Oxfordshire and the wider Thames Valley.
· There was a very low percentage of ‘repeat victims’; those who were usually had very complex needs and support would be organised through a multi-agency approach.
· The Council worked with other agencies, such as St Mungo’s, to support and engage with particular groups at risk of exploitation.
· The top three areas of exploitation in Oxfordshire, as outlined in the report: sexual, criminal and labour, were in line with the national picture as reported by the National Referral Mechanism (NRM). However, in the city, there was a prevalence of sexual exploitation which was not reflected in the national picture; a targeted piece of work to investigate sexual exploitation and brothels was currently taking place.
· Bespoke training to suit particular audiences, including councillors, was available and could be requested through the Anti-Slavery Coordinator Oxfordshire.
· Social media campaigns relating to adult exploitation and modern slavery took place over the year as a partnership approach to target specific topics.
Cllr Mark Lygo, Cabinet Member for Safer and Inclusive Communities highlighted the exemplary work taking place across the partnership and wished to personally thank the Anti-Slavery Coordinator Oxfordshire and the team for their dedication. He suggested that a future report could be submitted to the Committee in twelve months’ time to update on progress made; the Committee requested that the Scrutiny Officer include this on the longlist of suggestions for 2024/25 for consideration by the new Committee.
The Anti-Slavery Coordinator Oxfordshire advised all councillors to contact her in the first instance if they had any concerns over individuals in their constituencies or the city; alternatively councillors could contact for the attention of Nicola Bell.
Cllr Tiago Corais joined the meeting.
The Committee resolved to make the following recommendations on the report to Cabinet:
1. That the Council develops and delivers training for all Members related to spotting the signs of adult exploitation and modern slavery and how to report it.
2. That the Council rolls out a social media campaign related to spotting the signs of adult exploitation and modern slavery and how to report it.
Cllr Mark Lygo, Cabinet Member for Safer and Inclusive Communities, Nicola Bell, Anti-Slavery Coordinator Oxfordshire and Richard Adams, Community Safety Service Manager left the meeting and did not return.
Supporting documents:
Adult Exploitation, item 100.
PDF 251 KB View as DOCX (100./1) 177 KB
Appendix 1 - Oxfordshire Structure, item 100.
PDF 130 KB View as DOCX (100./2) 19 KB