Agenda item
General Purposes Licensing and Licensing and Gambling Acts Committees - recommendations on fees and charges 2024/25
The General Purposes Licensing Committee and the Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee considered at their meetings on 25 September 2023 and 5 February 2024, reports on fees and charges for the licensing functions falling within their remits.
The draft minutes of the meetings will be available on the webpages for the meetings of the General Purposes Licensing Committee and the Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee.
Cllrs Mundy and Clarkson, the Committee Chairs, will propose the recommendations.
The fees and charges are also included in the budget papers at Item 9, Appendix 7.
Recommendations: The General Purposes Licensing Committee and the Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee recommend that Council resolves to agree the relevant licence fees and charges for 2024/25 as set out in Items 6a, 6b and 6c (and repeated in the relevant sections of Item 9, Appendix 7).
Cllr Malik having declared this item related to his disclosable pecuniary interest, left the meeting for the duration of this item, and returned to the meeting at the start of the next item.
Council considered the Licensing & Gambling Acts and General Purposes Licensing Committees’ recommendations to approve fees and charges for the licensing functions falling within their remits as set out in agenda items 6a, 6b, 6c and 6d and repeated in the budget papers at item 9 Appendix 7.
Cllr Mundy, Chair of the General Purposes Licensing Committee moved the recommendation, and seconded by Cllr Clarkson, Chair of the Licensing & Gambling Acts Committee, from the two committees.
On being put to the vote Council resolved to agree the relevant licence fees and charges for 2024/25 as set out in Items 6a, 6b, 6c and 6d (and repeated in the relevant sections of Item 9, Appendix 7).
Supporting documents:
L&G FEES & CHARGES REPORT 2024 - 2025 - COUNCIL, item 95.
PDF 133 KB View as DOCX (95./1) 165 KB
PDF 154 KB
Council GPL approved Fees and Charges Miscellaneous Licensing 2024-25 FINAL, item 95.
PDF 138 KB View as DOCX (95./1) 170 KB
Appendix 1 Council GPL approved Fees and Charges 2024-25 ML, item 95.
PDF 113 KB View as DOCX (95./2) 141 KB
Appendix 2 Council GPL approved Fees and Charges 2024-25 ML, item 95.
PDF 189 KB View as DOCX (95./3) 14 KB
PDF 133 KB View as DOCX (95./1) 166 KB
APPENDIX 1 - GPL FEES & CHARGES LIST, 05/02/2024 General Purposes Licensing Committee, item 95.
PDF 120 KB
HCV Tariff Variation Report, item 95.
PDF 29 KB View as DOCX (95./1) 164 KB
Appendix 1 Proposed Hackney Carriage Table of Fares, item 95.
PDF 111 KB
Appendix 2 Meeting minutes of General Purposes Licensing Committee 25.09.23, item 95.
PDF 377 KB